F I L E 2

(Patient Name) Hitoshi Shinsou (Patient #434)

(Date admitted) 4-7-16

(Patient age) 24

(Patient disorder)

(History/cause) Grew up in a fairly abusive and neglecting household. He was known to be a bully and get into fights often, and when he was 17 he killed both his mother and his father. He sent his newborn baby sister to a better home. He was arrested before being deemed unstable for jail and sent to UA. He's fairly possessive over his friends.("friends") (Patient #433, Patient #435 and Patient #437)

(Has patient...)

-attempted suicide?

-attempted homicide?

-attempted any act of self-harm?

-attempted violence on past employees?

-attempted escape?

(Other) He killed his biological family and his girlfriend at the time. He was adopted by a kind family that comes to visit often. He says he doesn't have any regrets. He is very manipulative. He likes fear, he thinks it's cute. Do NOT separate him and patient #437 he will go feral and try to kill with no regrets.

(Danger level) 8/10

Izuku sighed. He hated how they referred to them as patients and not as people, not by their names. This was a little unsettling because he'd never seen a killer before. But he didn't want to call them a killer. He didn't want to come off as cautious.

Uraraka had led him to the other side of the room. It was just the same as the last one. A large metal door with a hand scanner and a passcode. Izuku repeated his actions the same as last time and slowly walked in.

The room was destroyed. The little table was knocked over and the bedsheets were torn apart. There was light but Izuku was pretty sure that that's because they were controlled outside of the room.

"Hello?" Izuku called out, but there was no greeting back. He didn't move from his spot so as to not disturb the patient that was hidden somewhere in the room.

The only response was a head lifting tiredly from somewhere in the mess.

"Oh, there you are. Hi, I'm Izuku Midoryia and I'm going to be your-"

He was cut off when a husky sleep filled voice filled the room. "New therapist? I don't care." The head that was raised had sunk back into the abyss.

"That's alright. I've got five minutes to introduce us and then we can talk about whatever you'd like." Izuku was a little nervous about being in the same room as a literal killer. Shinsou seemed alright though, he just looked sleepy.

"I don't want to talk to you." Ok, this was going to be harder than Izuku had hoped. Maybe he should just leave shinsou alone.. But at the same time. He knows Shinsou's weakness, or... At least one of them.

"Alright. I suppose I can just go see Y/N-"the same head from before shot right back up. "Got em" Izuku thought.

"Y/N? What about them? You better not hurt them or so help me-"Shinsou's words got more gravelly and more threatening every step he took. He was tall and lanky he looked like he hadn't eaten in months.

"You'll end up like the last guy." Izuku was now backed up against the wall with Shinsou caging him into the wall. His eyes were wide and his breath was heavy. "O-of course. T-they sound like a sweet person."

Shinsou scoffed. "They're very sweet and too kind and innocent for this place. She's wrongly convicted but she isn't granted release due to the crazy mindset her past fuckfaces have put her in."

"Oh? What do you mean? It seems like you like to talk about her."

"I would, but I don't know how much she'd want me to tell you. She'll probably be scared of you." Shinsou's face remained neutral but his tone was sad.

"These boys care a lot for this girl..." Izuku frowned

"Is it possible you could tell me why? Todoroki said the same thing." He was going to take his chances.

"Y/N has a limit. She tends to overshare, but she only overshare at her own pace. If you try to pry any further other than asking questions she'll freeze up and have a panic attack." He licked his lips looking at Izuku

"She doesn't really know what's going on half the time. She tends to act very childlike. But she doesn't like being asked too many questions"

Izuku nodded. How strange. "do you know what happened before she got here?"

Shinsou nodded but didn't say anything after that.

Izuku would take it. "What about relationships? You said she likes to be around you, and Todoroki said she likes to hang out with him sometimes." He let his gaze wander up and down Shinsous body as the purple haired decided on his answer

"She likes to be around Todoroki, Bakugou, and I the most.. But sometimes she goes and likes to hang out with the boys downstairs." Shinsou's eyes looked angry as he mentioned 'the boys downstairs'

"The boys downstairs? What're they like?" Izuku tilted his head

Shinsou blew some hair out of his face "You ask a lot of questions." he gave a chilling side glance that made Izuku's cheeks head up from embarrassment

"It's my job after all, and I wasn't allowed to go downstairs." He rocked back on his heels

Shinsou let out a cold chuckle "They're dumb. One of them's in for shocking himself repetitively and the other is in because he likes to punch walls, he thinks he's invincible."

Izuku paused. 'They liked to.. What? His confusion must have been clear as day on his face because Shinsou yet again let out another chuckle. "They're not as bad as the few of us up here. By few of us, I mean Bakugou." a huff left the lavenders mouth as he rolled his eyes

Izuku's ears perked up "Hm? I think he's my next visit.." Shinsous face contorted to an emotion that Izuku couldn't decipher, concern? Anger? It was hard to tell, but before he could ask the device in his pocket beeped and Izuku was quick to turn it off

"I have to go now, but i'll see you tomorrow?" He looked up with a soft gaze and tried to hide his smile when Shinsou let out a grunt in response. He got up, collected what he's put on the ground and headed to the door opening it

"Oh, Midoryia?" Izuku turned to look back as he made his way through the door "Good luck."

And the door shut

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