1- The Alliance of Humans and Vampires

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"Huh? Wait a second... when did I fall asleep?!" Alondra glares at the ceiling, unable to move as the Kiryu twins keep her pinned down as they sleep peacefully. She looks down at them to scold them, but the peaceful looks on their faces make her hesitate. They were always sleepy heads, so sometimes she would spend her time as a child looking between them, wondering which one would wake first. It made her giggle when they woke at the same time.

"But I know you two are faking being asleep right now." She pulls on their cheeks, and they wince, being forced to open their eyes. They sit up and rub their reddened cheeks, respectively. Alondra sits up and looks at them with an innocent smile. "Hey guys! I'm glad you're up now! We got work to do! I want to start looking through these pureblood families and figure out how we can become allies and keep the peace between the species!" Alondra says optimistically. She really has changed since they'd come together.

"Can't you just order them to listen to you?" Ichiru suggests as he pulls his hair back, tying it up into a short ponytail. Alondra looks at the address book and shakes her head.

"No, I want to do this properly. I'm not just going to start with ordering people around, I want them to decide for themselves where they stand. I've been talking to Kaname-"

"You what?!" Alondra jumps and looks over at Zero, confused. He definitely looks against Alondra talking to Kaname. 

"I talked to Kaname-"

"That's a horrible idea! There's no way you can trust him to help you without him expecting something in exchange." He interrupts her again. Alondra frowns and shakes her head.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do? I may be a pureblood and went to learn pureblood stuff while I was away last year, but I don't have connections. I know I'm going to have to start thinking about royal stuff eventually, so I might as well take baby steps before I have to do it all at once!" Alondra looks between the two. "I don't want to do it like my grandfather. I don't want to reign by fear."

Zero looks to her, knowing the shadow of her grandfather still looms over her. She doesn't want the Kasumioji bloodline to be associated with terror and absolute control anymore. She no longer wants to see the violence and pain the last battle caused when it destroyed Cross Academy.

"Look, just don't put all your trust in that guy. In spite of that aloof look of his, he's got his own agenda." Zero looks between Alondra and Ichiru, who seem to wonder what kinds of things happened between him and Kaname to make him distrust him so.

"He is... he is definitely hiding a lot of things. They mostly concern Yuki, but she's too dense to realize it. He's tied to her past, far more than I was. He's keeping secrets even she's clueless to. He is the type to use whoever for Yuki." He explains to the pair.

"Well, that's not good. I'll have to ask him about it." Alondra tells him bluntly.

"Are you an idiot?! You can't just question someone about their intentions, especially if they're bad!" Zero scolds the young woman. She looks at him like as if she were thinking hard about it.

"I'm still going to." She jumps off Ichiru's bed and fixes up her clothes. Zero looks at Ichiru in disbelief. He shrugs and gets out of bed, fixing up his messy hair and going to get ready. Zero sighs annoyed and rushes to get ready as well.

"Good to see you, Alondra-san... Kiryu twins."  Kaname Kuran says with slight annoyance towards the twin brothers. Alondra pretends to be oblivious to the glares they give each other.

Vampire Knight: The Kiryu's Pureblood QueenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant