"Listen, Fisher," He mumbled, "I think that was my dad. I think he-"

"What?" Sal laughed. "I mean, yeah your dad is a pretty awful guy but he is just a pastor. We can't blame him for every problem. Besides, I didn't even live here at the time."

"No, Sal," Travis frowned, "I really think it was him. He has a mask like that, really. He keeps it hidden in his room, under the floorboards."

"I'm sure there's more than one dog mask in the world."

"I don't know," Travis mumbled, biting his nails, "I have a bad feeling about this."

"It's okay," Sal smiled, "really. Don't try to blame yourself or your family for this. I mean, it is unfortunate, but it's not your fault, okay?"

Travis nodded despite not being totally convinced.

"I'm sorry that you had to see my face," Sal mumbled.


"Yeah." He mumbled. "It must have been shocking."

Travis shook his head, "You don't have to wear that thing."

"Yeah, but-"

"I wouldn't mind." He said.

Sal smiled in order to hide his frown. "You don't mean that." He chuckled.

"I do."

"If I didn't wear my prosthetic then you'd have to see my face all the time."

Travis stared at his eyes, "What's wrong with that?"

Sal felt his heart flutter, realizing how close Travis's face was.

He took in a shaky breath as Travis planted a kiss against his lips.

Travis pulled back, looking at the new sparkle in Sal's eyes. "I guess I'm... officially gay now." He said after a moment.

Sal laughed, "As if you weren't before."

Travis flushed, glancing away. "Was that your first kiss?"

He shook his head, "I haven't had one yet, but it was my prosthetic's first kiss."

Travis blushed red, realizing that he'd just kissed a piece of plastic. "Oh..." He turned to Sal and reached behind his head.

Sal flinched as he touched the bottom buckle of the mask.

"Sorry!" Travis exclaimed, pulling his hands back. "We don't have to, I just thought-"

"N-no!" He blushed. "I was just surprised is all. I... Would like to." He admitted.

Travis swallowed and hesitantly reached for the bottom buckle again, undoing it with a click.

   He lifted the edge of Sal's mask up just enough to press their lips together.

   Sal shakily readjusted his prosthetic with a smile when Travis pulled away.

   "I'm sorry if I make it awkward," He looked down, "I didn't think it was possible that anyone could like me in this way."

  "Why would you make it awkward?" Travis asked.

   "If..." he mumbled, "if like, I wear my mask a lot around you. It's not because of you. I wear it around everyone. I barely even take it off around my dad."

   "That's okay." He asserted. "Just know that... You don't have to... I don't really care one way or the other." That was a little bit of a lie. he did want to see Sal be confident without his prosthetic, but he didn't mind if he wanted to wear it all the time.

Better Than I'd Thought | Sally Face x Travis PhelpsWhere stories live. Discover now