The bell test part 3

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I think there some misspelling words here so.....try to understand 😂😅

Naruto POV

"Hello my children." I say as I hang upside down from a branch of a tree in front of the two faces.

"NARUTO WHAT THE HELL?! One your late, two how are you standing upside down if your not holding anything?" Sakura asked, Sasuke look at my feet like if he trying to find how I'm doing this.

"One Kakashi sensei isn't here so I'm not late, two chakra ." I said getting on the branch then jumped down on the floor.

"Hn" Sasuke said, then look to the opposite directions, not wanting to face us. Sakura then started to fangirl about him.

"So.....," I broke the silence the two looked at me. "How long have you guys have been waiting?" I asked.

"I don't know, probably like 2 hours!"Sakura says . The hell is he doing.

"I bet he at my grave, FUCK LET ME CHECK!" But when Obito was about to leave to check, a man appeared in front of us.

"Yo" kakashi sensei said, he had the audacity to causally say that as two of his students look like  they're going to commit arson.

"YOUR LATE!" Sakura yelled at him with clenched fists.

"Sorry, I was helping an old lady with her groceries." Kakashi sensei says as he scratch the back of his head.

"BRUH, THAT WAS MY EXCUSE!" Obito yelled, that caught me off guard so I flinched.

"Naruto, you okay?" Kakashi sensei asked.

"Yea, just the wind." I lied, I gave a death stare at Obito for a sec.

"Sorry Naruto " Obito said . I nodded a little, trying not to get the three alive people attention.

"Anyway, let's move on," kakashi sensei said as he got a clock, "Alarm set 12 PM, today topic is to get one of these bells from me, if you do you pass." Kakashi sensei said holding the two bells.

'I knew it, this is all about teamwork, but hard part is working with these two....' I thought in my head.

"Wait Kakashi sensei, if I may ask, there only three of us, and there are two bells, how are we all going to pass?" Sakura asked.

"Well only one person will go to the academy, while the other lucky two stays, also the people who got the bells will eat, while the one that didn't get one of the bells will be tied to a log as the other two eat." Kakashi said in a sadistic voice. Creep. I shuddered. 'But it's a good thing we all at-'

My thoughts were interrupted by stomachs growling. Great, they didn't listen, what else is new?!  As the two stomach growls, and mine didn't, Kakashi sensei looked at me with a questionable face.

"I see that you, Naruto, have ate. Can you tell us why you ate even though I told you guys not to?" Kakashi sensei asked.

"JUST HURRY UP AND FIGHT HIM NARUTO!" Obito yelled impatiently. I ignore him, because not to look suspicious. Jeez, I can just imagine myself going to be experimenting by that Donzo bitch again....

"Well, of course I need to eat enough food to be ready for anything, because we need strength to prepare for things . If we don't eat, we don't have enough strength to focus or fight back. So if we do not eat for a battle, survival, and etc event , it's basically that we don't have a great chance of making out a live. Plus you said 'we can eat if we want', you didn't say 'don't eat.' " I say crossing my arms.

"Hn" Sasuke say and Sakura just turn her head away from away.

"Correct, you do need food to help you focus and fight back. And good job on listening." Kakashi sensei says. "Anyway when I say start, you ma-" I cut Kakashi sensei off by running up to him with a kunai in my hand, almost cutting his neck. Luckily for him he jumped back. My actions shocked Sakura and Sasuke, while Obito was cheering for me to show him who's boss. Kakashi grabbed me by my jacket behind me and say " Not so fast, you have to wait until I say the word."

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