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°Final chapter°

A few days past as they settled in, getting everyone a room and a job to do. They organized the camp and found a compromise with the old campers. They would take care of everything that had to do with planting seeds to get food or going on a few hunts to get some animals, while the others, aka the original group, focused on looting and making everything work at the camp. Of course there were some disagreements at times, but they got along pretty well. They all worked together, making new friends and meeting new people. There were some lucky ones who were reunited with old friends or with family, and there were some who found new friends who eventually became family. Sadie's wound was pretty much healed after a few weeks, Millie and Lilia taking care of her stubborn ass. Now let's take an update you guys on every single one of your favorite couples.

Let's start with Jilia. We're all suckers for Jilia and all wish we could have what they want. Anyways, Lilia lead an operation with Jillian and Maya on going back to that underground base from the government to make sure that no one was left alive or no teenager was left behind. Of course, the base was empty, which relieved the blonde girl. Jillian got her confidence back and found herself again after the kidnapping of that older teenage boys group. Both felt like they found their home and were finally at peace, helping others but also taking care of each other. 

Now let's go to Tivia next. How did I make you guys fall for Tess who was originally planned to be a villain? No clue. Anyways. Olivia kept writing her songs, so it gave her girlfriend an idea. Every night, they had a little get-together, where kids could sing, dance, read a poem or whatever they desired. The best part of it was that no one would get judged. Olivia was proud of Tess for coming up with such an idea. They eventually had their first time. No details needed. It was sweet and soft, just like them. Olivia proposed on teaching some kids how to play the guitar which later on evolved in Olivia becoming a music teacher. She loved it. Tess learned how to take care of people, how to help out someone who's injured by watching Maya and Lilia who taught her everything they knew. Yet again, enemies became friends and strangers became family. 

Don't think that I forgot Rowan and Sabrina. Friends to lovers. Sabrina found a new sense of leadership as she joined Paris into training teenagers with weapons. Rowan and Priah worked together on teaching some pretty smart kids how to code and hack, pretty much turning it into a robotic club, inventing some dope machines to help out in the camp. Both were inseparable but that was nothing new. 

Last but not least, Sillie. They've come a long way. "Enemies" to friends to lovers. Did Sadie ever stop being so stubborn? Nope, never. But Millie kept on loving her nonetheless. Throughout the few months they had been together, Sadie went from a big tough jerk to a gentle and soft idiot. She was glad that Millie brought her old self back. Millie kept her sane. Sadie kept on leading the whole thing, focusing mostly on the camp, while Millie kept on leading every mission, whether it was looting, hunting or for research. Whoever desired to leave the camp had to inform Millie. They set some rules as well.

-No going out of the camp alone.

-No matter how many you are, you're not allowed out of the camp at night. 

-No funny business under 16 years. 

-No homophobia. 

-No sexism.

-No transphobia.

And then there was Millie's favorite rule;

-If you're having argument, don't throw punches. Talk about it. And if talking doesn't help, then ask for help from friends and family.

The atmosphere of the camp was calm. Barely any zombies made it into the camp, because Peyton and Caleb were busy making the camp safer, setting traps all around it. 

Okay, back to Sillie. Sillie. They started everything. They started from fighting zombies, to fighting the older boys group, to fighting Mia, to fighting Sadie's dad, to fighting Joyce. Millie being the brain and Sadie being the muscles. Even if we all know that they're both equally strong. Unless...Nahh, I'm joking. 

-Babe?, asked Sadie as they were sitting at the fire camp, waiting for Olivia to perform a song with her students from music class.

-Yes my love., smiled the younger girl, her arm around Sadie's shoulder, her head on her shoulder. 

-We did it., chuckled the redhead, not going into details.

-What did we do?, frowned Millie obviously confused by her statement.

-We create a big family. Look around. They're happy., smiled Sadie.

-Are you happy?, questioned the brunette looking at her girlfriend.

-I'm always happy when you're around., smirked the redhead.

-Sades, come on., chuckled Millie, rolling her eyes slightly.

-Yes. I'm happy. I'm content. I'm at peace. We made a home for kids to be safe. For friends and family and friends who are family. We went from a small group of friends to a big family. I couldn't be happier. Plus, I have you. And you make me the happiest person alive. I couldn't live without you and I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. You saved my ass numerous times, from that zombie attack on your first day at the old building where you got stabbed by a screw, to saving me from my own dad. I love you, Millie. And I could not be happier., replied the older girl truthfully, looking back at Millie and pecking her lips quickly.

-You're a big softie. Man, it feels good to be okay. To not be sacred. To feel free. You made that possible for me. You made life fun again. You made my life brighter and you still do it every day, whether if it's that beautiful smile of yours or your kind words. You never fail to make my days better. Thank you. I love you too, Sadie., smiled the brunette pulling her girlfriend into a side hug as Olivia and her students walked on the little scene Peyton had arranged for them.

They all enjoyed the evening, the stars shining brightly and the moon looking as pretty as ever. Together, they stayed a big family, never giving up on each other and always having each other's backs. So remember, no matter what happens in life, no one can take away two things from you: Hope and Love. Family is forever. Friends become family. If we have each other.


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edited; do not kill me, thank you

If we have each other// Sillie•Where stories live. Discover now