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Brooke's POV
Darry had cleaned up my cuts pretty good. On my left cheek, held a bandage from a cut, while ice packs were held on my bruises.

"Boy, Dallas will be mad when he heard he missed a chance to bash some soc head in" Soda said, chucking a little. I looked to Steve who was already looking at me. I quickly turned my head.

"Here" Steve sat down beside me, holding an ice pack to my forehead for me.

"Thanks" I muttered with an easy smile.

Soda's POV
I saw Steve sit beside my sister and hold an ice pack for her. Okay, now I knew something was definitely going on. He never acts like this, especially to Brooke. I know my sister, and I know somethings been weird. She never comes to me anymore. Only question was, what?

Brooke's POV
I was tired. All I wanted to do was sleep after this. I went to get up, but Darry motioned me back down on the couch.

"Can't have you walking around to much after that. Just rest there for awhile, okay?" Darry spoke softer towards me.

I nodded, resting my head on Steve's shoulder as I closed my eyes. I was to tired to notice or care. Within seconds, I was passed out.

Pony's POV
Twobit, Johnny, and I walked home from school after track and Twobits detention.

"Boy, did you see that blonde today in class. Man, was she something" Twobit whistles.

I rolled my eyes. He was always talking about blondes.

"I'm surprised Brooke hasn't got all the boys chasing after her yet" Twobit laughed. My head snapped to him, hitting him up side the head.

"Hey, that's my sister your talking about!" Besides, if only he knew Dal and Steve were head on head for her.

"Jeez, alright there Pony" Twobit puts his hands up as we walked up the porch steps of the house.

When we stepped inside, the first thing I noticed was Brooke sleeping on the couch, not only that, but a bandage and ice pack was held on her face.

"What happened!?" I ask, walking over to my twin.

"She's fine, Pones. She got jumped when walking home" Soda explained sadly, motioning me to be quiet so I don't wake her.

"Socs?" I ask.

"Yep" Soda said sadly, tucking her gently in more on the couch. She had her head half rested on Steve, while a blanket was draped over her. I knew Steve and her had a thing going on. I sent him a glare when he wasn't looking. I still want to sure how I feel about Steve having the hots for my sister.

Brooke's POV
I woke up...in me bed? Darry must have carried me in. I looked around and realized it was just me in here. It looked about evening as I got a glimpse out the window. I tried to stand and got hit with a wave of dizziness. I shook it off as I started walking outside.

"Woah, hey Brooke, what are you doing up?" I bumped into Soda while walking out. "I was just coming to check on you" he guides me back to bed.

"I'm fine, Soda. I promise" I rub my head.

"That nasty cut says different" Soda sighed.

"It's fine" I mumbled, sitting back down on the bed.

"You feeling any better?" He examines my face. I nod, lying.

"Liar" he smirked a little.

"Am not" I argue back.

"Am to" he protests.

"Oh really?..name one thing I lie about"

"You and Steve" he got serious. I looked up at him, farrowing my brow.

"What do you mean?" I ask, even though I knew exactly what he meant.

"What's going on with you and Steve?"-he sighed-"I saw the way he looks at you"

"Nothing. Nothings going on, Soda" I shake my head.

"Fine..if ya say so" he sighs once again, before getting up and heading out the door. I felt bad for lying to Soda, but I don't know how he'd react if I told him I had feelings for Steve, and that Steve felt the same. I didn't wanna know.

I just sighed, laying back down.

(Quick update: who do you guys wanna see more of?)

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