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Brooke's POV
"Ms. Curtis?.."

"Ms. Curtis!?" My head snapped up immediately. 'Opps..must have feel asleep again' I thought to myself. I saw Two-bit in the middle of leaning over his desk, trying to tap me awake...but it was a little late for that.

Two-bits my best friend, doesn't matter that I'm 14 and he's 18, going on 5. We both share the same humour, most likely why we get along so great. His favourite things without a doubt are, Mickey Mouse, beer, and his famous switchblade that he stole of course.

"Yes, Mrs. Smith?" I ask as I wipe my hair outta my face and lifted my head off my desk. She shifted her glasses down to look at me with a low stare. I smiled uneasy.

"Do you know the answer to question 3?" She asked. The whole class shifted and turned to me. Pony gave me a worried look as he motioned with his eyes to look at my book.

As you probably already know, Pony is my twin, older by 30 minutes. Pony and I are real close, I mean we tell each other everything close. Pony's interests are books and sunsets. All though, I don't make as good as grades as Pony. You probably noticed from my lack of concentration.

I hurriedly shuffled open my text book and responded with "97?.." I hesitate as I look up. Mrs. Smith readjusts her glasses back up and looks at her sheet off paper in her hand. She shakes her head.

"Anybody else?" She looks around. I frowned. A few socs and middle classers laughed at me. I'm like Soda when it comes to school.

Soda's my other older brother, 16. Soda is the type of guy who never really gets angry, he's more of the comforting type. You need someone to talk to or cry to, you go to Soda. He's known for his movie star looks. Unfortunately, he had to drop out of school to help Darry with the bills after the passing of our parents.

"105?" Pony raises his hand.

"Very good, Mr. Curtis" the teacher said as she walked back over to her desk. Pony looked back at me and gave a 'sorry' kinda smile. I did the same and shrugged.


The bell rang. 'Ahhh, freedom at last!' I thought as I stood up and grabbed my books. Everybody scurried out of the class room in a jiffy.

"Ready?" Pony asked as him, Johnny, Two-bit, and I were about to walk outta the class room.

As I'm about to nod, Mrs. Smith calls me over "Y/n?..may I speak with you for a moment?" She asked. I nodded.

"Meet me in the hallway" I said to the three boys, they nodded and headed out of class. I walked over to Mrs. Smiths desk.

"Brooke.." she sighed "I know you've been having a rough time with the passing of your parents...but your grades have been slipping. I'm gonna need these grades back up" she said. I nod.

"I understand...I'll do better, I promise" I say.

She nods "now, have yourself a lovely weekend" she gave me a smile before going back to her stack of papers.

"You to" I said polity, before walking out. 'Great, just another thing I need Darry on my ass for' I roll my eyes.

Darry is my oldest brother, who is 20. A lot of people will tell you he works to hard for a 20 year old, I would agree. He was suppose to go to collage and play football but, couldn't when mom and dad passed.

I walked out into the hallway and saw the three boys waiting for me. I waved them over as I started walking to the front doors. They all jogged over to me.

•The Curtis sister• ~ a love triangle Where stories live. Discover now