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7 Years Later

"Wake up Mister Potato head!"

I felt my arms are all wounded up from their slaps, I was completely awake but didn't bother to open my eyes or at least respond.

"Let's just broke his drum set–"

"Okay okay, I'm awake" I quickly sat up and stretched.

The last time I woke up, my drum set was completely full of drawings and a lot of holes, even the sticks are broken into pieces. Not just drums but also other of my instruments.

It was obvious that the twins inherited the defiance, goofiness, and being loud from me.

"Can you please make us some ego waffles with bacon and drop us at school?" My daughter pleaded.

"Nanny is there to make you those"

"Please dad?"

I looked at my phone, it was too early for my errands and at the same time their school.

I don't know why these two always wake up earlier than me and we did hire some guards to drop and fetch them at their school.

"But ya'll promise me to behave while I'm cooking, aight?" I replied as the two of them raised their hands like a scout.

"Promise" They giggled.

While I'm cooking, the twins are busy answering with their assignment for today. I forgot to help them last night.

Callista is usually the one who helped them, but she's away for days.

"You're wrong, it's supposed to be 15–"

"Can you just let me do what I need to do?" Talia strictly answered.

And with that I almost spill the milk from the glass, laughing at my daughter's response.

"I'm just trying to help" Calix said and scooted away from her sister.

"Ya'll starting to fight again, say sorry to your brother" I looked at her while placing the foods at their plates.

She gave me a glare just like her Mom.

Talia rolled her eyes before she looked at Calix.

"I'm sorry"

"You two have fun today and please don't do anything stupid" I looked at the rear mirror and gave them a forehead kiss.

Every time C is away, I let the twins do whatever they want and I also remind them of their limitations if it's too much. If she saw the twins all too musty—there goes my ass, being whooped.

"Yes Dad" They both said.

They quickly open the door and ran towards the gate.

They grew up so fast.

After the interview with Big boy, I quickly made my way at their school. Within a minute, there's still no sign of the my twins.

"Excuse me, Mr. Okonma?" I heard that voice, again.

"Yes?" I smiled, thinking what did the twins do today.

This is the fourth time this month, we already sent them at a private school for a change but still do crazy things.

Not long enough I left the room and saw my twins reading at the bench.

My two little devil monkeys.

They gave me an innocent smile as we made our way at car, requesting to play at the park.

Beneath The Stars | Tyler, The CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now