Chapter 35: Canvas & Paintbrush

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Everything came back to normal, Lin Wu was arrested when Calvin appointed a meeting at our place. Now Mei and Xander were completely free like souls and the wedding is canceled.


Anyway, the IMG reached out and asked if I was free for the campaign of Gucci, along with Iggy Pop and Rakim.

It was a perfect opportunity to accept it with Rakim but I declined for my current situation. My tummy right now is pretty big, I'm six months pregnant.

The bigger it is, the pain and harder it was to move around.

This is probably the right time to say it to the gang, after months of being silent and ignoring them. All they know is I was busy writing and producing with Pharrell.

I prepared the foods at the table for a dinner with them, it's my peace offering for not sharing the news in months.

A knock on the door startled me "Open" I shouted as my babies started to kick.

Right, I need to be calm.

I stood behind the counter, a great way to hide my bump to surprise them.

"Yo Ma! I smell something good shit" Jasper came in along with Taco and Frank.

"Nigga, we gotta wait for the rest" Frank stopped him before he could took a piece of wings.

Not long enough, they came in and sat at the table. Everyone was present except for T and Solo.

"Guys, I need to show you something"

I stood away from the counter, where they could completely see me from head to toe. All eyes were on me.

They were supprised and started to ask me the same question, I let out a breath and told them everything.

"Nigga, I'm not used of seeing you that big" Taco answered.

"Aight, we are the Uncles and Aunts" Steve said.

"It explains why you're wearing a large shirt the last time when we visited you" Kali replied and took a bite of her food.

"And it explains why you declined the offer of Gucci" Rakim laughed.

I heard someone opened the door.

"What in the world happened to you?" Solange came in, surprised and sat down next to Frank.

"Long story short, Callista's pussy was the canvas and Tyler's dick was the paint brush, boom they made an art" Frank explained as everyone laughed.

"Arts rather"

"Twins?" Crystal asked.

"Aight, Turkey's sperm is crazy" Taco laughed.

"Bitch, we thought it was only one?" Syd handed it back.

I cursed for I gave them the wrong ultrasound photo, I grabbed my album and gave them the latest.

"Sorry, we thought it was only one. Then we find out that the other baby was hiding" I explained.

"There'll be little Tylers running around the house" Rakim said.

"Little Callistas" Kali corrected.

"Little Tyler and Callista rather" Crystal replied.

"So is it a boy or girl?" Steve asked.

"I still don't know, they won't tell it since they're throwing a gender reveal party" I answered.

"Does T knows?"

I shake my head as a sign of no.

"Then when? He has the right to know" Crystal looked at me.

"Nigga been tripping for almost everyday while making his album when we're at the Lake Como and Capri" Solo replied.

It explains why he left LA after that night.

"I feel like he won't accept it–"

"T isn't like that, he may look annoyed at kids but trust me. He really wanted a child" Rakim said while grabbing another spoonful of mac and cheese.

"That's what I said when she was four weeks pregnant, speaking of pregnancy. I can't stand her cravings for months, it's fucking me off" Frank exclaimed.

"Yugh, been there. I kinda regret eating those after I bring out Julez into this world" Solo replied.

"Y'all ladies planning to have a child?" Taco asked.

There was silence after that.

"Me and Caleb will think about it" Kali answered.

"I gotta finish my degree first or I'll pass" Crystal said while looking at her phone.

"How about you Loren?" Steve nudged Syd's side.

"Nigga, don't call me that! Me and my gf are already fine" Syd rolled her eyes.

"I'll bet a hundred bucks, if one of C and T's twin will have a big ears like Turkey" Jasper said as everyone laughed and started to bet.

"You're weak, made that a thousand nigga" Rakim replied.

After the dinner, we decided to chill outside the backyard. The fresh air was blowing, making us calm. Jasper, Taco, and Rakim can't keep their eyes on my tummy.

"I swear they just kick a seconds ago" Taco said.

The rest of the gang started to sit around me, waiting for the twins to kick again.

"No need to wait, watch me" Frank went closer.

"Come on twins, kick your Mom's womb for us" Frank said. I grunted and felt the twins kick again.

The gang laughed.

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