Chapter Two

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Irric Fandelli was a young slave in the great palace of King Feric. Irric was about 16 years old. He had short black hair and blue eyes. He had dark skin and he was about 6 feet tall.

King Feric treated most of his slaves cruelly, but he had a soft spot for Irric. He would let Irric of duty earlier than the other slaves. The king had always seen a bit of himself in Irric.

One day there was a knock on the palace door. Feric told Irric to go get it. When Irric opened the door he was greeted with a surprise. Standing in front of him was Tijor and Elyn Ovii.

Irric had not seen them since he was 10 years old. Elyn was an old friend of his. When Tijor came through years earlier he recognized the gift of Magic in Elyn. He took her to be his apprentice.

"Elyn, Tijor," Irric shouted. "Its been so long."

Elyn smiled and hugged Irric. "It really has. How have you been?"

"I've been doing good," Irric said. "How have you been doing in the magic field?"

"I've been doing great." Elyn said

"Thats good." Irric said

Tijor then interrupted "You two go catch up," He said. "I have urgent business to discuss with Feric."

Irric and Elyn then left the room and ran upstairs to Irric's living quarters.

Elyn sat down on Irric's bed. She threw her hat off, and it landed on Irric's desk.

The 2 of them hadn't seen each other in years but they had not forgotten each other. Elyn had cut her brunette hair a bit. The last time Irric saw her she had very long hair. Now her hair went down to her neck. She had brown eyes and was about 5'6.

Irric looked over at her. He had been friends with her for years but didn't want how to start the conversation because it had been so long.

"So how has the human kingdom been?" Elyn asked.

"No where near as good as it was 6 years ago." Irric said and smiled at Elyn.

"I've missed you," Elyn said. "I have missed you so much. Tijor is a great teacher, but it is hard to get through the day without you."

Irric smiled. "Could you show me some magic you have learned?"

"Sure." Elyn said.

Elyn pulled out her wand. She looked over at Irric's wardrobe. She pointed her wand at it and started spinning it in a circle.

"Petáo ston aéra" Elyn said.

The wardrobe started to float in the air. Irric looked at it in amazement.

"That's impressive," Irric said. "You really are a wizard."

"I prefer the term Mage." Elyn said.

Elyn set the wardrobe back down and put away her wand. She looked over at Irric and smiled.

"So when you do magic how do you get the magic to do what you want it to do?" Irric asked awkwardly.

"Well," Elyn said. "It depends on what kind of magic you are doing."

"What do you mean?" Irric asked

"When doing light magic, you have to think about someone you love, someone you care about," Elyn said. "For dark magic it's the complete opposite. You focus on hatred."

"And your a light magic user," Irric said. "Right."

Elyn nodded her head.

"Ok good," Irric said. "So when you do magic who do you think about?"

Elyn hesitated. "Well... when I do magic I think abou..."

Suddenly the place bells started ringing. This ment someone had broken into the castle. Irric and Elyn ran down to the throne room to see what was going on.

Feric told them that someone had broken into the castle. Tijor then told them that the intruder was running toward the treasure room.

"You two need to wait in here with us." King Feric said.

Irric looked over at Elyn. She nodded her head and smiled.

"Sorry, but you guys know us," Irric said. "We are not the type of people who always like to follow the rules."

Irric and Elyn then ran out of the room. As they ran through the halls Irric grabbed a sword of the wall. The sword was way too long and heavy for him but he didn't care. Irric was determined to stopping the intruder.

Irric and Elyn then looked ahead. The intruder was infront of them about to get into the treasure room.

"Hey," Elyn yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Getting the artifact I need to defeat the dark lord." The intruder yelled.

Elyn pulled out her wand. "Sorry but I'm going to have to stop you."

"I don't think so." The intruder said. He then threw his knife.

The knife peirced Elyn's leg. She screamed out in pain.

Irric looked over to her. "Do you think you can hold on while I stop this guy?"

Elyn nodded her head. "Yeah... yeah i think I can manage."

Irric ran towards the intruder. He then kicked him in the back. The intruder fell to the ground. Irric pulled out the sword.

"State your business here." Irric said.

"My name is Odo Verr," he said. "I need an artifact so that I can stop the Dark Lord Dalax. He has returned."

Irric lowered his sword and looked down at Odo. He had blond hair that was longer than his but shorter than Elyn's. He had brown eyes and was about 15 years old.

The palace gaurds then came down the hall. They took Odo and brought him to the castle's prison.

Back in the thrown room Feric and Tijor explained what was going on. When Elyn told them about Dalax they were in shock.

"If Dalax is back then we need to fight." Feric said.

"Agreed," Tijor replied. "We shall send Irric and Elyn to stop him."

"Im sorry what." Irric said "I am not a fighter."

Feric looked at me. "Of course you are. You took down Odo Verr with ease."

"Fine," Irric said. "I will go on this quest on two conditions "

"What are they?" King Feric asked.

"I want Odo to go with us. He obviously knows what he is talking about." Irric said

"I can agree to that," Feric said. "And the other."

"You free all the slaves," Irric said. "They have been under your rule for far too long."

Feric hesitated but agreed.

"Irric," Tijor said. "Before you go I have something for you."

Tijor handed Irric a sword. Irric grabbed onto it. It was the perfect length and weight for him.

"Thank you." Irric said.

"Don't mention it." Tijor replied.

King Feric then released Odo made the three of them listen to him.

"The three of you shall head to the town of Edoin in the Nekojin kingdom. There you will find the ancient key. It will allow you to open almost any door in all of Velieos," Feric said. "You will also be able to buy a map of the entire realm."

"Ok, King Feric," Elyn said. " Tijor, can you come with us?"

"I'm afraid not," Tijor said. "If Dalax has returned then I have to stay and protect the human kingdom."

Elyn nodded her head.

"The three of you best be going," Feric said. "We haven't much time."

The three of heroes turned around and left the castle. We started to make our way to the Nekojin kingdom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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