"Hm?" I looked right back at her.

"I missed this." She smiled softly.

"Me too," I admitted.

"I'm sorry." She started. "I'm sorry that I didn't believe in you and I thought of you in such a horrid way. I know I felt betrayed but I shouldn't have completely lost trust in you like that. I'm so sorry I didn't stick by you I realize how much of an idiot I have been and I miss my friend..." Sera explained on the verge of tears looking down unsure about how I'd react.

I waited for her to finish what she had to say and crashed into her. Engulfing her in a huge hug. "It's okay it's okay I'm just glad you're here with me now and believe in me. I'm sorry for everything I did too I'm sure as hell not innocent." I admitted.

"Fuck I should be the one comforting you." She mumbled frustrated.

"It's fine don't worry about it. You being here is plenty." I smiled

"Sooooo Boba?" We both ordered our usual enjoying the incredible drink... it tastes like heaven and good memories.

"I sure as hell missed this," Sera exclaimed devouring her boba. I laughed happily sipping mine.

After a while, we caught up and I went home (to my dorm). At the door was my therapist. I smiled anxiously and opened the door for us both to go in.

"Hi, bill," I said awkwardly.

"Hey, John so how've you been so far?" He questioned analyzing my body language.

"I've been alright I renounced my place as king, made amends with Arlo, and Sera. Used my power for something other than violence and yeah...." I trailed off

"Oh yeah, and someone hit me in the face and I didn't explode I let him embarrass himself I felt pretty badass not gonna lie." I rambled.

He chuckled at that "sure as hell must've felt good." I nodded In agreement.

"About the renouncing your place John I'm proud of you it's the right thing to do and I'm glad you're making up with your best friend," Bill added to his previous statement. I smiled satisfied.

"It's like everything is getting so much better I feel the meds are working great IT hardly talks to me unless they wear off even then I'm learning to resist IT," I spoke calmly.

"I'm glad. John... I'm sorry your brain has formed such an aggressive alter usually the action we take isn't suppressing it but in this case, it's necessary." Bill admitted.

"Thanks for helping me through it. I'm going, to be honest, I'm still terrified of him coming back...." I mumbled.

He nodded and pat my shoulder softly "that's okay. You're doing everything you can and that's all anyone can expect of you."

"Thanks for the reassurance," I responded. He promptly got up and nodded his head.

"I don't think we'll need sessions once a day anymore let's try once every two days. Anyway bye, John!" Bill walked out and closed the door behind him. I headed to the bathroom and stopped at the mirror.

Pathetic, dangerous, monster, unloved. No one wants you and everyone's scared of you. You should just do what's best for everyone and let go. I would disappoint everyone I promised I wouldn't! Like I give a shit? But I will hurt everyone if I do I can't give you any more power!! Honey you already did. You're not gonna slow it we all know you tried. Got it good now let me out. I shook my head trying to calm down my rapid breaths which came like a storm. My hands shook unsteadily and I turned on the shower I jumped right in the scalding water breaking me out of my rushing thoughts the wet clothes sticking to me as I struggled to take deep breaths I went numb the water drowning out the overpowering thoughts. I took off my clothes and turned down the shower walking out and getting dressed. Blyke was sitting on his bed busy on his laptop.

.UnOrdinary. Changed Where stories live. Discover now