Chapter 2 - Genin Test

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Read the description its very important

Demonic Voice/ Place or pov changes




--Training Ground 7—

All the students and Teachers are at training ground 7 except Naruto and Sayuri.

--Naruto POV--

Me Sayuri and Tobi appear in a swirling vortex


"Tobi is a good boy," Said Tobi

Tobi removes his mask

"OBITO?" Asked Kakashi

"Yes" Replied Obito

Obito disappears in a swirling vortex

"Well let's start, we are going to fight you as a team, ok? Team 7 go" Announced Kakashi

This is going to be one crappy fight scene XD

Sakura starts talking about her Menma-Kun and Sasuke-Kun so she's useless

Menma runs at Kakashi, Kakashi reaches in for something from his ninja pouch *Slow motion* he pulls out the great and undefeatable extraordinary book?

Menma engages Kakashi in Taijutsu and gets his a*s handed to him on a silver platter

Menma jumps away and does hand signs slower than a sloth and shouts "Wind style: great breakthrough"

A tiny amount of wind is blasted towards Kakashi

More like wind style: light breeze

I agree

Kakashi Counters with an actual wind style great breakthrough and sends Menma flying like a fly

Mito rushes in and demands "I am the daughter of the Hokage so give up and promote me to Anbu captain right now"

"Stop, team 7 you fail go back to the academy in two months you can try again, Sakura you're a useless fangirl, Menma your overconfident and weak, Mito you are a spoiled brat" Scram Kakashi

"Screw that Sakura you're out of the shinobi program, Menma and Mito you will do 4 months more of academy and you need to stop being brats" Scram Kakashi

Sakura Menma and Mito ran of crying like the brats they are.

"Jiraya will fight my team and I will fight Jiraya's to make it fair"

(Jiraya's team pass just barely)

This is also going to be one crappy fight scene XD

"team Orochi-teme go" announced Jiraya with a smug smirk

Naruto and Sayuri performed some hand signs and summoned two small snakes on one of their shoulders.

Naruto and Sayuri performed some hand signs and summoned a small cat (Sayuri) and fox (Naruto) on the other one their shoulders.

Jiraya went through some hand signs and summoned Fukasaku and Shima

"We need to fight those two" said Jiraya pointing at Naruto and Sayuri

"No can do" said Fukasaku and Shima

"What why?"

"Well, it's simple one is the heir to the sage of the six paths, while they're both the children of prophecy, we'll fight but won't injure them" Said Shima


"Now good did you gather the nature energy?"

"Yes, Jiraya boy"

"Well let's go, give my wind and fire"

"Sage art: Raging fire"

Jiraya blew toad oil, Fukasaku fire and Shima wind.

"Alright well best that, Sage art: Wood style nativity of a world trees" Said Naruto, a forest full of trees began racing towards Jiraya

Both snakes blew acid onto the wood, and the fox went "Sage art: Fire style: Fox fire annihilation" and blew fire that surprisingly didn't burn the wood just stuck to it.

The cat that was basically a mini Matatabi scram "Sage art: Fire style: blue flames" and spit out blue flames that stuck to the wood.

Both attacks collided and Jiraya was totally overwhelmed, Fukasaku and Shima proofed out of existence and Jiraya was knocked unconscious with many burn marks.

Orochimaru smiled and announced "Team Orochimaru Pass"


The End of this chapter

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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