Chapter 3: "Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zoro

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This chap may be a bit long. Bare with me.

I'm on a writing streak this week. I'm feeling energetic as I'm listening to Mori's Bully Lofi remix. It's soothing and relaxing, be sure to listen to it.

Oh, and regarding my other fanfic, I'll be updating it later or maybe tomorrow. Don't worry RaysonLolis69 alright?

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Kiyotaka POV:

I made a few more investigations and took some things along the way. Of course, I won't go all the way of bringing it with me, but I made sure to hide it in a safe place.

I'm sure he'll be delighted seeing it, but I need to wait for the righ timing and the cue.

Making sure that no one spotted me hiding the thing, I made my way back to the town. There, sitting on a wooden box, I saw Luffy and Coby, alongside the little girl who bring Zoro the riceball.

"Yo." I greeted them while I raised my hand.

"Oh! If it isn't the weird looking ikemen! Join my crew!"

Really? That's the first word that he'll say? Well, considering his personality, it's not a shock to hear it.

"For the second time, I have a name. It's Kiyotaka. And I won't join your crew."

Even after I decided to join his pirate game, I need a perfect timing and scenario to comply. Giving him hope this early won't really help.

"Ehh? What a shame. But I won't give up!"

"Yeah, you won't."

Coby and the little girl burst into laughter as they watch our back-and-forth conversation. Though, I don't really mind, Luffy laughed himself as he clutched his stomach.

Then, as we continued talking, I noticed that all of the vendors, including the townspeople walking and buying things, kneeled into the ground, forming a straight line as Helmeppo made his way with his two bodyguards.

I can hear him talking to his men about executing a certain someone in three days. Though I got what he meant by that, Luffy didn't.

"Three days? Didn't you say you'll give him a month?" He asked to Helmeppo upon stopping on his tracks.

He puffed his cheeks out while he placed his hands on his waist, making a mocking stance. Well, his whole existence is already a joke, so why did he do that?

"Who are you? How rude. I was only joking with him! Only an idiot will fall for that!" He exclaimed before bursting into laughter.

I knew it. This person won't live up to his words. A spoiled brat living under the protection of his father, the Lieutenant of this Marine base.

Of course, I'm sure Zoro didn't suspected something like a foul play will happen. But that's just his naivete. Why would he believe a person such as this? I don't get him.

Then, Luffy throwed a punch right on his face, sending him flying to the ground. This made the local townspeople shocked for having the guts to hit the son of the Lieutenant.

Tears started to form on his eyes while touching his bruised nose. His guards assisted him on his feets as they looked at Luffy in awe.

"Coby, weird looking ikemen! I've decided! I'll recruit Zoro into my crew!" He exclaimed.

Before Helmeppo left the area, he spout a lot of nonsense like executing Luffy alongside us. This may be a troublesome situation of he does. And I'm sure he will.

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