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We walk through a set of double doors and my ears are attacked by the sudden surge of voices from the cafeteria. There are other people here dressed just like I am, gray sweatpants, white sticky socks. I pay no attention to them, the aching in my stomach drives me to the smell of food. I grab a tray and quickly proceed down the buffet style line. Suddenly I feel an overwhelming sense of deja-vu. I don't dwell on the thought long because I am being served some kind of loaf that I would usually not even give a second look. But before I know it I'm shoveling it into my mouth.

The man who walked me to the cafeteria, who introduced himself as Andre is approaching my seat with a cup of water and I'm already done eating. "Woah! Slow down, no one is gonna take it from you! Want some wat-" Before he can finish the sentence I grab the cup and chug the water down. Feeling overwhelmingly full, I am reminded of the fact that I have no idea where I am.

I look up at Andre, "What is the place?" To which he responds, "You're at the hospital, your doctor will go over why and how you got here later." He grins and I notice the dimple form on his cheek, and for some reason it makes me feel safe. My body is satisfied and I can finally focus on everything around me, the people sitting at tables scattered across the cafeteria. Everyone is talking and eating like they belong here.

I'm still surveying the room when I have the intense feeling in being watched. Andre is busy talking to another employee so it's not him. I scan the room and my eyes lock on hers. The most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen, her blonde hair is cascading over her narrow shoulders. She holds eye contact for only a moment and then looks down abruptly. She seems so... familiar. Who is she? No wait, who am I? That's the most important question right now.

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