chapter three | london fog lattes

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I roll up my sleeves, revealing the tattoos lacing up my forearms, and start mopping the ground. My tattoos are curved wreath-like lines of flowers and laurel leaves. I didn't want to color them so they remain pure black on my pale skin. They make the scars noticeable to the untrained eye which is what I wanted.

It's not that I hide them, nor do I want to show them off. It's a subtle detail that they are covered by flowers of peace and hope. After I stopped hurting myself, I decided to decorate my body instead. I wanted to wear flowers instead of scars to symbolize my new outlook, and a brighter outlook on the future ahead.

The road was rough and dark, and many nights I doubted I would wake up from. But after years of therapy and the unfailing love from my parents, I brought myself out of that darkness and learned how to find hope and love in my heart.

And I fell in love with life itself.

I continue mopping the floor with concentration, knowing the coffee will soon dry to the floor. I don't want to be walking over sticky tiles all day long so I should clean this up quickly.

"Wow, who does your tattoos?"

I look up and find a boy standing in front of me. His doe-like eyes are wide as he stares at my arms, "They're beautiful," he adds softer.

I chuckle quietly and stand up straight, still holding the mop. "I go to the place just a block from here. Ask for Edgar, he does mine. Are you curious about tattoos?"

The boy only smirks and pulls up his sleeve revealing a set of tattoos of his own. "More than a little."

"Whoa... that's awesome," I compliment as I look over the many designs covering his arm. "Who do you go to?"

"It's south from here. Savage Ink. I usually go to Justin," he explains casually. Then he lowers his shirt sleeve and glances up at the cash register, "Do you have any recommendations? This is my first time here..."

I nod, "Yeah, of course. I can take your order, just give me a second to finish up," I answer, noting that Sam is still dealing with the woman. She is beginning to calm down, thankfully.

The handsome boy walks over to the register and stares up at the chalkboard with a blank expression. He waits patiently for me to finish mopping the floor and takes his time in looking over the various desserts in the display glass.

I dry the ground with one of the rags, using my foot to wipe it down, and set up the wet floor sign before rolling the bucket back to the corner. I round the counter and give Sam a quick look of gratitude as he finishes talking with the woman. Sam lightly elbows my side, annoyed he had to deal with her but says nothing as he goes to the drink corner to make her drink.

I'll have to make it up to him soon.

I take Sam's place behind the register and face the new customer with an easy, relaxed smile. "So what are you in the mood for?" I ask.

"Actually I'm ordering for three people," he replies, still staring up at the menu and all of its options. "One doesn't really like coffee though. I'm not sure how all of this works yet..."

"That's alright, take your time. If your friend doesn't like coffee, I recommend the London Fog latte." I gesture up to the board to the option written out in lacey cursive. "It is an Earl Gray tea with milk and lavender. It doesn't have any coffee."

The boy's eyes grow wide with curiosity, "But it's a latte?" he questions.

"Latte doesn't mean there is coffee in it. It only means there is steamed milk added to it. It's the foam that makes the difference," I explain feeling a hint of excitement in my chest. I could talk about coffee and its nuances all day if I could. "A latte also means the steamed milk is mixed in with the liquid, while a cappuccino involves the layering technique. That's when you see the pretty designs on the milk, those are usually cappuccinos."

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