...Study Buddies...

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I made my way to Denki's dorm and was actually the first one their.

Y/N: Well looks like I'm a little early.
Denki: Ya but it's fine. We can just chill here until everyone else comes.
Y/N: Ya.

I sat down on a beanbag chair.

Y/N: Man I can't wait till summer.
Denki: Heck ya! We can go to the beach or something.
Y/N: That's actually not a bad idea.
Denki: See I can have good ideas.

He grinned and I chuckled a bit. Thats when we heard a knocking at the door. Indicating either Kirishima, Bakugou or Mina finally arrived.

Denki: It's unlocked!

The door opened and Kirishima and Bakugou walked in. Kiri held a bag of chips, and Bakugou had his usual irritated eyes, with his hands shoved in his pockets.

Kirishima: Hey guys. What are we talking about?
Y/N: Summer break.
Denki: Ya and going to the beach.
Kirishima: The beach? Actually I have the perfect beach we can go too!
Y/N: Really where?
Kirishima: Ya, I don't remember the name of the beach but I used to always go their when I was young. And theirs an amazing view on this hill.
Denki: We gotta go then.
Bakugou: Not gonna lie. Sounds fun.
Y/N: Mhmm. Hey where's Mina?
Kirishima: She wanted to do something before she got over here.
Y/N: Oh. I wonder what then.
Denki: Should we start without her?
Y/N: Nah we should wait at least 5 more minutes. She probably won't take long.
Bakugou: Really just depends on what she's doing.

We heard a knock on the door.

Y/N: See that must be her.

I opened the door just to get dragged outside and to another room.

Y/N: Ay yo!

I looked and saw it saw Momo, with suspicion in her eyes.
She brought me to Mina's room?
I was forcefully sat down in a beanbag chair. With Momo's hands on my shoulder.

Momo: When were you gonna tell us you liked Bakugou?!

She whisper screamed.
I glared at Mina, and she looked away, with a awkward smile and her hand behind her head.

Y/N: Well I didn't think it was important. Since I only think he's cute.
Ururaka: Not important?!
Mina: Dude this is like big news!
Y/N: Hey didn't I tell you not to say anything?
Mina: I didn't think you ment the girls.
Y/N: I-
Jirou: It's Mina, what did you expect.
Y/N: True.

I sighed and nodded. Honestly I had this one coming.
We heard a knock on the door. Momo let go of me and I continued to sit. Afraid they weds gonna push me, and make me sit down again.

Kirishima: Uhh I think you just kidnapped my friend!

Mina opened the door.

Mina: Ya we did. Got a problem?
Jirou: If you want her back then you'll have to pay us.

We laughed at their playfulness.

Y/N: Looks like I'm staying here, cause Kiri is broke.

I sighed, with a small snicker.

Kirishima: Hey I'm not that broke..

He says while reaching for his wallet.

Mina: Don't bother checking. I already stole it.
Kirishima: Why am I getting picked on today.

He fake cried.

Y/N: Anyways we have some studying to do.
Mina: Yup.
Jirou: Mind if I join?
Kirishima: The more the merrier.

We made our way back to Denki's dorm.

Bakugou: Are you morons ready or what? You're wasting my time!
Y/N: Calm down Bakuhoe. Were here now.

I smiled, and sat at the table while getting out my books.

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