Chapter 19: Never Come Back

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Lingering sounds of carnage faded with every step in the distance, but Mina still ran as if death itself snapped at her heels. With everyone gathered in The Square, no one was around to see her escape. No one would know how to find her again.

Sprinting for the door of her shack, Mina tore inside and grabbed what meager supplies she possessed: her threadbare blanket, some spare jewels from the caves, and what passed for food. Her cloak was already around her shoulders, and tears were starting to build as a recollection settled in.

She could never come back. The knights would find out her name soon enough, and she'd be discovered before much longer. If her neighbors didn't give her up, then Lorenzo or some other street performer surely would. There'd be wanted posters with her likeness hung around the kingdom, and she would never know safety again.

Mina mourned a silent goodbye to the surrounding walls as she sprinted to leave, feeling as if she were tucking a piece of her heart away forever. Even empty, the house had always seemed to hold whispers of the love her parents had once filled it with. But that whisper of love could not be the thing that kept her behind. Mina refused to belong to anyone, no matter the toll it took.

Ducking outside, she ran for the Stonehue River and the woods beyond. She crossed its banks and plunged into the frigid water, seizing up only briefly before she continued on. Mina swam the short distance to the other side and pulled herself out, barely pausing for breath as her mind surrendered functionality. Her body completely took over, sending her further and further away from Enid like a hunted animal given a precious few minutes head start.

The greenery blurred and thickened the further Mina went, and the sun watched her go from morning all the way until it could no longer keep its head above the horizon. Only when darkness claimed the land did she stop, collapsing in a heap knowing she was good and lost and hidden.

The moon and stars took their vigil after that.

* * * * * * *

Dante watched as Samuel's eyes began to flutter open, the dying candlelight swimming in their reflections. In that moment, all the burdens of the world left him as he slumped forward and brought the younger boy into an embrace, causing Sam to wince.

"Ouch," he hissed, and Dante helped him back into a lying position.

"How do you feel?" Jesmyn asked, coming to sit next to Dante on the bed. Samuel raised an eyebrow and gave her an exasperated look, and she ducked her head in embarrassment.

"Guess that answers that," she whispered.

"Well considering you were right near the explosion, you look great," Izan offered, but the cheeriness felt hollow. It was true in the sense that all he suffered were some superficial cuts, bruises, and moderate burning on his hands. But his head felt as if it were swimming, and his entire body hurt.

Sam turned his attention back to Dante, but as his vision started to focus, he noticed that a figure stood just behind him, concern lining his silver gaze.

"Abbott?" He croaked, already trying to make himself sit up straighter.

"Don't injure yourself further," the King said, coming to put a gentle hand on his shoulder. "The healers said you've suffered a concussion and need rest. You're not to exert yourself."

"No argument there," he sighed, settling back in.

"The fact that you're awake and talking is relief enough. We'll leave you to rest now," Abbott said, gesturing for the other three knights to leave the room. "If you need anything at all, the healers will be on standby."

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