(Y/N): "I don't appreciate the shit talking, especially from someone I love. If you don't quit it, I'll have to prove that I can be a good dad."

Megumin went pale, and quickly let go of Yunyun. She grabbed (Y/N)'s hands.

Megumin: "No wait! I didn't mean it, I was just-"

(Y/N): "I know, trying to talk her out of it. But there has to be a better way than this. I'm sure there's a logical answer for it, I wouldn't be surprised if Dust put her up to this."

He turned to Yunyun.

(Y/N): "So now that I'm sure of what you said, can you tell me the reason why?"

Yunyun: "The Crimson Demon village is going to be wiped out!"

Once again, everyone was stunned.

(Y/N): "Huh...A little different then I'd thought."

Megumin: "What do you mean it's going to be wiped out?"

Yunyun: "U-um, here. Look at this."

Yunyun handed Megumin a letter on two pieces of paper.

Megumin: "From Yunyun's father, the village chief."

Megumin read the letter out loud for everyone to hear.

Megumin: "By the time you read this, I will have surely passed on."

(Y/N): "Well that's...concerning."

Megumin: "It says that the Devil King is planning to launch a fullscale attack on the Crimson Demon village. A great diviner has seen a future where the entire village is wiped out...but they also saw a beacon of hope. That beacon is the only surviving member of the Crimson Demon clan, Yunyun. The only survivor? What happens to me?"

(Y/N): "Nothing if I have anything to do with it."

Yunyun: "Keep reading."

Megumin: "As the only survivor, she would find a certain man in a town of beginners. This man, although unremarkable and with no special power, will become her husband."

(Y/N): "That's...ouch."

Kazuma patted (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Kazuma: "There there."

(Y/N) put his hands on his head, distressed.

(Y/N): "I literally have a guitar that shoots lightning. Am I really not that special? I'm starting to relate to Radiohead again..."

Megumin: "After some time, the son born to her and her husband would go on an adventure. Little did he know, that he would be the one to avenge his clansmen...and defeat the Devil King."

(Y/N): "Wait, what? Not me, but my hypothetical son is gonna be the one to do that bastard in?"

Aqua: "That's far too long. Hurry up and defeat him now. Or you know what, I can wait three years, but more than that is just troublesome."

Kazuma: "You want a toddler to kill the Devil King?"

Yunyun: "The Crimson Demons have powerful oracles, so the divination should be..."

(Y/N): "Is there some other way to go about this? I don't want your clan to die out, but I'd rather not have a baby with you. Wait, that sounds mean. What I mean is that, you're cute and sweet and all, but I have uh...prior engagements. Other plans for the future."

Megumin scanned the letter again before her eyes settled on something at the bottom corner of the second page.

Megumin: "It says 'Legend of The Crimson Demon Hero Chapter 1. Author, Arue.'"

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