[Striker] Try me 1

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[edited but grammar and info is still messy]
I only watched the episode twice so I don't remember much of their line and other settings.

Rough n' tumbleweed ranch.

Right.. That's where we're staying after our boss decided to agree to join the owl Prince to the harvest moon festival. Right as we meet up in the office to collect some stuff needed, blitzo finally arrive with an exhausted look, he limp in the office and accidentally bump his side on the table. "Rough night eh?"

"Before you start on one of your shitty jokes, [Y/N] why don't you start focusing at your first instruction as my assistant." He scoffed, walking in his office.

"And that is?"

"Fucking off."

"Wouldn't call myself an assistant if I fuck off. Plus, you wouldn't be getting free lunch from me anymore." I said dumbly, the boss groaned tiresomely. "It means fuck off, leave your boss alone instead of yapping nonsense. Christ, why do you have such a smooth brain."

"Why do you fuck a prince."

"Why don't you just shut the fuck up."

"Why don't you shut the fuck up first?"

"Ugh Fuck me already."

"You are already fucked." I chuckled, handing him his mug of coffee. The imp pouted at this and drink his coffee. I left him in his office to get some stuff ready. We don't have much time as traffic forms quickly at 4 am. Millie and moxxie are taking care of our weaponry as a precaution.

I put the luggage in the van, loona already sitting inside, her eyes engrossed on her phone like always. I don't really know why we needed this much stuff for a day, but I choose not to ask. Moxxie helped his wife from their own luggage, hearing them talk about their families. Blitz soon came out of the building, carrying his own stuff looking more brighter than before, his clothing change into a white shirt and a short maroon vest that matches his skin. Well everyone is dressed in their best country clothes, meanwhile I'm just wearing a hoodie. I don't know much about the info. All I know is we're going to the wrath ring and enjoy the festival. Also it was unexpected so I didn't get too prepared. We finally get inside the van, the three sitting on the backseat, while I was seated beside the boss.

"You're not changing your attire, [Y/N]?" Blitz asked, inspecting me as if I'm dressed like a sort of clown. "You look like you hadn't taken a shower your whole life here in hell."

"Says the one who looked like a homeless farmer."

"Yeah, don't start whining when you get shit on your clothes." He nonchalantly said, shrugging his shoulder and focusing on the road. Knowing his tired of my dumb antics, I stayed quiet. Since the area was widely open, Blitz step on the pedal, accelerating all the gas and speed through. He drove with an immense speed, while his favorite rock music blaring loudly. As leaving imp city, I tried entertaining myself with all I could. Having no phone after that time Stolas phoned me and asked to talk to blitzo.. And Blitzo destroying my phone.

I looked back at everyone, the couple are falling asleep and loona still stuck on her phone. I watch the boss driving while rocking my head along the music, it wasn't that bad. Soon I even began to memorize the chorus and hum along. Blitz enjoying his very moment and sometimes talk to me. Not a shit talk, but a normal conversation. Which happens to us very rarely.

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