The Alcohol

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America walked home that day, and came back to see Mexico standing in the entryway. When he saw what was in her hands, his heart dropped.

"Mex...," America said under his breath.

"So..... this is what you've been up to?" Mexico said, holding up Cosmos's cape. America sighed.

"Mexico.... sit down. I promise I'll explain everything," America said.

And that's just what he did.

Every small detail, right from the beginning, of how Cosmos came to be.

"Mex.... now that you know this.... I... I can't be with you anymore ok?" America said.


"I'm sorry Mex," America said, getting up to leave.

"W-wait! You can't just leave!" Mexico exclaimed.

"It's safer for you to be as far away from me as possible," America said.

"I don't care!" Mexico exclaimed.

"Why? Don't you want to stay safe?" America said.

"Yes... but... I don't care... i-I... I know it's stupid and cliché but.... I love you Ame. I don't care if it kills me... I love you," Mexico said. America heard Soviets voice echo through his head.

I love you Ame....... I'll never leave you ok?

"I'm sorry," America said, tears in his eyes, before he sprinted away. He sprinted to an alleyway nearby the liquor store and hid for a moment, before walking into the liquor store and buying himself a bottle of Mexico's favorite tequila. He snuck to the graveyard and sat next to Soviets gravestone.

"I'm being pathetic aren't I...," America said, opening up the bottle and taking a swig. "You would not believe what happened..... Mexico is a lot like you in some ways...," America said, taking another swig. "Sh*t..... why'd you have to die...," America said.

A few hours later, America was finished with the bottle, staring up at the stars.

"What's even the point Sov... half the city hates me, they already have Aussie... and Canada... why do I even need to exist," America said.

"Ame?" America heard a familiar voice say.

"Russ.....," America replied. Russia sat down next to America.

"What are you doing here?" Russia asked.

"I walked here," America said.

"But why?" Russia asked.

"Mmmmm I forgot...," America said, cuddling next to Russia for warmth.

"....are you drunk?" Russia asked, observing the empty tequila bottle. America let out a hum.

"Mmm maybe," America said. Russia sighed and stood up.

"Come with me," Russia said. America shrugged and followed Russia to his car. Russia was sitting in his car, thinking about what he was supposed to do with America.

"Oh shiiiiiiii... you're a kidnapper fuuuuuu... I should go," America slurred. Russia sighed.

"It wasn't my fault," Russia said.

"Martiallll?" America asked. Russia looked at America.

"How did you know?" Russia asked.

"Mmm... I saw it...," America said.

"You did.....," Russia said. Russia drove America to his house and sat America down on the couch. "Ame, tell me what happened, ok? I'm listening," Russia said, wrapping his arm around America. America cuddled into his arms, tearing up since Russia reminded him so much of Soviet. America told Russia everything, his defenses melting more every time Russia ran his fingers through his hair. America loved this sense of comfort he felt, and it made him even more happy that Russia's voice sounded so similar to Soviets. Meanwhile, Russia was taking in every word America said.

The boss will love this..... he'll finally leave my siblings alone.

(Aaaaaa I'm sorry this book is taking so long with such short chapters. I don't usually experience writers block but when it hits it hits hard)

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