#41 Headcanon: Really Sweet Headcanons

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I told yall I would punish you and you know what you said do it. So here we are. I hope I destroy each and everyone of you by the end of this. I'm villainizing all of your favorite characters because you deserve it. Some characters are missing because I can't find a way to villainize them



Eren Jaeger

° Would cheat on you. Not because he doesn't love you but because he needs you to hate him

• He'd probably specifically cheat on you with Mikasa because that would probably hurt you the worst

○ Would make you feel like utter garbage for even existing because he feels he has to

Mikasa Ackerman

● Doesn't actually love you, she's only using you as a replacement for Eren

□ She'd probably make you feel like you're worthless because she's only using you. She'd probably even tell you that you're nothing compared to what Eren is to her

Jean Kirschtein

■ He'd use you to get over Mikasa

♤ You are a replacement for Mikasa and you're aware because he doesn't hide it

♡ He's very distant with you and your relationship isn't good whatsoever. He'd probably cheat on you too when he realizes you can't replace Mikasa

Armin Arlert

◇ He'd manipulate you into doing whatever he wanted

♧ He'd make you feel like everything is your fault. You didn't do enough according to him. You could've helped but you didn't

☆ He'd probably cheat on you just to punish you

Reiner Braun

▪︎ Is not loyal, he will lie about being with other people.

¤ If he gets caught, he'll play victim and blame his mental health. He'll make you feel like the bad guy for causing him to do that because you weren't doing enough

° Would probably guilt trip you into staying with him

Annie Leonhart

• She doesn't care about you and is only with you to blend in better

○ She'd make you feel beneath her

● Make you feel less than you really are because you're a devil in her eyes

Levi Ackerman

□ He won't help you with your trauma or issues. He doesn't have the energy for that and will tell you that

■ Your relationship is very one sided and he doesn't put in energy nor time into your relationship

♤ If you complain he'll tell you to leave

Erwin Smith

♡ He doesn't care about you. The survival of humanity is way more important than you are and he'll flat out tell you that

◇ He won't put effort into your relationship because he doesn't care

Hange Zoë(She/Her)

♧ She'd care more about breakthroughs in the titan experiments then you

☆ You are not her priority. Sawney and Bean are. You are outclassed by giant man eating monsters

▪︎ She'd get annoyed with you whenever you interrupt her during her work. She'd probably lash out at you too telling you how annoying and selfish you are

Porco Galliard

¤ Only sees you as a trophy, doesn't actually care about you. You're there just for him to flex

° He doesn't love you and will make that clear when you're alone. Your relationship is just for show

• He'd probably cheat on you with Pieck because your relationship means nothing to him

Historia Reiss

○ You're just a replacement for Ymir. She doesn't love you whatsoever

● She's selfish and only uses you

□ She doesn't care about you at all


■ She uses you as a replacement for Historia. She doesn't love you and she makes that clear. You are not a godess like Historia is. You are nothing compared to Historia. You're lucky to even get Ymir's attention. That's what Ymir believes

♤ She'd probably flirt with Historia right in front of you because you're worthless to Ymir


♡ You're only there to help him forget about Sasha. There's no love between you two.

◇ He probably lashes out at you because you aren't like Sasha. You're not what he wants. He makes that clear that you're just a placeholder

♧ Eventually you'll be useless to him and he'll leave you

Floch Forster

☆ He only sees you as a toy. You're there for his entertainment and his alone. He doesn't care about you. You are an object to him

▪︎ Once he gets bored he'll leave you in the dust with no regrets

(725 words)

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