#8 Levi x F!Marleyan!Reader

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Requested by OrochimaruTrash

Type: Fluff

Reader: Fem!Marleyan

Title: Paradis


Also this is your reminder to not refer to authors as


Or any other japanese honorifics unless explicitly told to. I know a lot of you mean well but you look stupid having to get corrected. And to avoid that happening, you can easily just call us Author.

I myself go by Author or JJ. I use any pronouns so don't worry about that, but for the love of everything holy, don't use japanese honorifics to refer to me, thank you

Y/n's POV

I was walking down the street when I saw a Marleyan beating an Eldian child.

I understand why Marleyans treat Eldians this way but that doesn't make it right. I've never agreed with it. I know the Eldians oppressed us in the past but that was so long ago, and people have the nerve to use that as an excuse to beat a child. Just because they're a certain race?

I ran up to the man and punched him. He took a couple steps back as he held his nose

"What the- You're gonna pay for that!" The man yelled as he ran towards me. Another man who had black hair went to help me but I didn't need his help, as I grabbed the Marleyan man and pinned him to the ground with an arm behind his back

"You think it's okay, you scum?!" I ask twisting his arm

"He's an Eldian" He groans in pain. I snap his arm

"I don't care if he's an Eldian. That's a child you waste of space" I say getting off the man and turning towards the child. He looked at me scared. I put my hands up signaling I wasn't gonna hurt him

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask. The boy stays quiet and stares at me

"Tch, you know you're supposed to respond when someone is talking to you" A voice says from behind me. I turn to see the male from before. He was about 5'3, had black hair, and gray eyes. I turned and noticed a soldier coming


I looked at the kid

"Run" I whispered to him. He took off and shortly after the soldier approached.

"What happened here?" He asks

"He was bea-" The black haired man began but I cut him off

"T-That man tried to touch me!" I say pretending to act shaken up
( I know what you're thinking. "But Author that's not cool to lie about things like that" well let's say Levi told the truth. The soldier would find out that the child was Eldian and then the kid would probably be beat even worse. Also the man was beating a child, so it's justified)

The soldier and the man looked at me shocked

"Ma'am are you alright?" He asks. I nod my head yes

"Yes thanks to this man here, I owe him my life.. but sir, could you please take that man away.. I couldn't bare to have someone else go through what almost happened to me" I say.

"Of course, I'll have him arrested immediately" The soldier says as he walks over to the man and handcuffs him. He then takes him away.

"Oi, what was that?" The black haired man asks

"An act, you could've gotten that child killed you idiot" I say

"Tch" He says. We made eye contact and something just clicked. I'm not sure why I felt like that but ot was almost as if I had a longing for a man I just met. It felt like time had stopped as we stared at eachother. I knew he had felt the same as I did. I could see it in his eyes. We both snapped out of it and gave eachother one last look before walking away in opposite directions

~A Week Later~

Levi's POV

It's been a week since I met that girl and for some reason I can't stop thinking about her. She's from Marley and I'm from Paradis, it could never work- what am I saying?

"Levi focus!" Hange says

"Tch" I say

"It's important you listen, if we don't pull this off. Marley will destroy Paradis" Hange says

"Wait you guys are from Paradis?" A voice asks. I turn around to see the girl from last week. Her H/c (Hair/Hijab) was visible

"It's you" We both say

"Wait.. wait wait. You two know eachother?" Hange asks

"I met her last week while I was gathering intel" I say

"So do we kill her? This plan can't fail" Hange says

"Woah woah woah. There's no need to kill. I won't tell anyone" She says

"How do we know you're not lying?" Hange asks

"I don't like the government here anyway. Plus you seem like good people, I want to help you" She says. Me and Hange stare at her shocked. My heart seemed to beat faster for some reason

What's wrong with me?

"We seem like good people? How are you so sure?" Hange asks

"Because he stepped in and was going to help me against that guy who was beating a child. I thought you were Marleyan and Marleyans don't normally do that for an Eldian child. But if you're Eldian, most Eldians wouldn't dare step in" She says. I stared shocked

"I'll take your word... but I wanna know something.." Hange says skeptically. Me and the girl stare at eachother

"So um.." Hange begins

"Y/n" She says

"Y/n... there seems to be something in the air between you and Levi, wanna explain that?" Hange asks fixing his glasses. Both of our eyes widen. My face turns red

"Shut up four eyes!" I say embarrassed

(968 words)

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