shotaro pouted, looking down at the brunette he sat on top of, "kisses?" a giggle left his mouth as his nose was booped and his lips were pecked softly.

"no babe, i meant a kiss." shotaro told before grabbing the taller's face and kissing him.
their lips intertwined, reconnecting after leaving.

sungchan pulled the smaller's lip down and added his tongue. a muffled whimper left shotaro's lips as the taller rubbed his upper thighs, his hands nearly slipping up his skirt.

a moan slipped from his mouth just as someone entered the house, "so this is the- and this is why i fucking hate teenagers!" taeyong groaned.

shotaro quickly got off of him and crawled over to the corner of the couch, curling up into a ball off embarrassment.

"awh, that little moan was so cute!" a woman said.
the silver haired male's blushed deepened when he realised they had heard.

"now you, come here!" she told playfully, walking over to the brunette who stood up and hugged her back.

"hey mum," sungchan smiled before ending the hug.
"so this is shotaro..?" the woman questioned, looking down at the boy who buried his head in between his crossed legs brought up to his chest.

the smaller felt uncomfortable, not knowing wether she'd judge him or not.

"yeah-" "well isn't he the cutest thing to walk this earth, come here." she squealed. the silver haired looked up at her with red cheeks, "..hello."

"awh, come here!" she smiled, opening her arms for a hug. shotaro smiled, standing up and hugged her back.

"my names areum, but you can call me mum." she smiled at him, pinching his squishy cheeks.
she looked at his outfit and cooed, "oh my daughter would love what you're wearing!"

"you have a sister!?" the silver haired exclaimed, looking up at the taller.
"uhm..." "of course he does! do you not talk about you little sister? how rude!" his mother huffed, crossing her arms with a pout.

"no, he doesn't.." the smaller frowned, making the same face as sungchan's mother. sungchan rolled his eyes, "she's annoying."

"she's 14, they'll be like that, but you still have to love your sister!" his mother told, hitting him on the back of his head. "now yes, her name is chae-young!"

"that's pretty!" the silver haired cooed.
"yes, very! her father named her." the woman cooed.
"alright, are we going?" sungchan asked.

"yes yes, now on the way i'd like to know everything about you!" areum smiled, walking them out the door after saying goodbye to taeyong.

"well i can tell you one thing about taro, he's fucking kink-" "SHHH! s-shut up..!" shotaro interrupted the taller who just smirked at him in return.

"oh? well if he is you probably are too." the woman told, unlocking the car. "i'm no-" the silver haired shut the taller up, "don't lie to yourself, dadd-"

"i told you to behave.." sungchan whispered, "..and you're not doing that right now.."
"awh, boohoo!" the smaller mimicked, making a fake pout and sad eyes. "if i'm being that naughty, teach me a lesson then daddy~"

"you won't be getting anything, because i know you'll enjoy it. and that's my punishment." the brunette told, walking over to his mother now.

shotaro huffed and frowned before walking over to the car, sungchan's mother making him sit in the front with her so she could talk to him.

so the whole ride the brunette sat in the back, on his phone, trying his hardest not to get jealous that shotaro gave all his attention to his mum.

"alright! we're here!" she sang before getting out the car, the other two followed and shotaro's waist was quickly held from the side protectively.

"what?" the silver haired looked up at him. "just holding you.. nothing much.." the brunette smiled down at him.

"whatever dummy."
"alright you two, this way." she smiled, showing them over to the front door.

"nobodies home yet, so it'll just be me and you two. now because you'll be here for a night, you get the spare room, is that okay?"

"of course that's okay mother." the brunette reassured her, "it's fine, you're doing great. everyone's going to have a good time."

the older woman nodded with a laugh of guilt, "i'm sorry, i just get way too nervous sometimes. feeling like they'll judge or hate me if i don't do everything right... sorry dear." she smiled sweetly.

"awh, don't be sorry about that!" the silver haired pouted, embracing her in a hug, "everyone's gonna love you still, no matter what. everyone makes mistakes, so who gives a shit if you stuff up? fuck those motherfuckers who do give a shit and dislike you!! you're amazing mrs jung!"

"oh my god you... you're so kind... as if that giant got you.." she smiled, wiping away a tear.
"i don't know if i should take offence to that or not?" sungchan scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully.

his mother giggled, making both males coo, "take it how you will hunny. oh- uh- anyways, ahem, the guest room is just down that hallway, last door to the left."

"oh thanks, i'm kinda tired... do you mind if i take a tiny sleep?" the silver haired asked, having not gotten much sleep last night.

"of course dear, do what you like." she smiled, patting the boys back as he walked down to the room with his backpack.

"uh uh, not so fast boy." she held onto her son's shirt when he was about to follow the silver haired. "let the boy rest, don't disturb him."

"i wasn't going to..." he looked at his mother's knowing facial expression, "...fine."
she smiled, "great! you can help me in the kitchen!"
"fine, but only because i love you.."

"that's my boy." she smiled gratefully before pulling him into the kitchen.


"morning baby, how was your nap?" sungchan asked, snaking his hands around the smaller petite frame.

"hmm... g-good..." the silver haired replied, shivering and stuttering when the taller's cold hands slipped up his shirt, just caressing his hips.

shotaro whimpered when the brunette kissed down his neck and around his cat collar, biting one of the spots. "s-sungchan.." he covered his blushing face, pointing with his other "your m-mother.."

the brunette shrugged and looked at the smaller, his finger softly under his chin. his tongue brushed his bottom lip before looking in the direction he was pointing. "hello?"

"your family will be here soon, hurry up." she coughed before walking into the lounge room.
the brunette smiled and pecked him on the lips before walking to his mother, leaving the smaller wanting more.




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