Your children would choose the name of this new family member.

They actually bought many things, a comfortable bed for him, many toys, a giant bag of croquettes, clothes that Zayn chose because of how tender they looked, straps, etc, etc.

Upon arriving home, they did not hesitate to give him a lot of love and introduce them to his new home, the little animal looked comfortable, until now, Harry was happy to have him there and Zayn was falling in love quickly with him. The high voice to ask him if he wanted water or play or eat, was very common in Zayn every time he talked to Husain, but seeing him talk like this with the dog was quite fun for Harry, but he let him be happy with him.


At the time of his children's departure, Harry went to pick them up at school, buying them both an ice cream cone before arriving home. Zayn was waiting for them with homemade food and the little dog was next to him keeping him company, it could be said that he was more attached to him now, and he liked that.

When he heard the strong footsteps and voices of his family, he left what he was doing to receive them with a hug, and with a canine by his side.

-Baba, why is there a dog next to you?.- Hussin asked when he separated from him, the canine was in front of them moving his tail from side to side, excited to see more people.

-It's ours, it's our responsibility to take care of it, you can choose the name.

-Is it really ours? Thank you Baba!

-And there are no graces for me? I offered the idea. -Harry said behind them with a very feigned grimace of sadness.

The two children went to hug him and fill him with kisses before running and playing with the animal.

Everything was fine now, Zayn laughed at how beautiful the whole scene looked, and Harry was proud of his family. Their children were only excited and happy that their parents did comply with them, and the dog they adopted is very special now for everyone.


-Golden, couldn't you choose a better name?. -Harry said once lying on his double bed.

-It's a nice name, stop complaining now. -Zayn turned off the lights before lying next to him. Harry only slept with his pajama pants, and Zayn only slept with his shirt with his underwear.

-Okay, I'm sorry. -Bufó, Zayn sat on him, he had something in mind that he would like to try.

-I want you to fuck me. -Harry opened his eyes in surprise, that was a quite tempting confession, but his children could get up, and he really didn't want to traumatize them.

-Did I listen well? Honey, the last times we tried to do it they interrupted us or you were tired, are you sure?

-I'm hot, of course I'm sure.

-Oh, then for me it's fine.

Harry's ladino smile made Zayn begin to grind on him, brought his lips closer with his own, returning to the war of tongues that they had pending a few days ago. Harry lowered his hands to his buttocks, massaging and pinching both cheeks, making Zayn moan for how good he felt.

There was a moment when the brown pulled down both pants and began to masturbate both members together, grinding one on top of the other.

But Harry didn't want that.

He wanted to be inside him.

-Let me prepare you, baby.

-No, I need you, now, just go into my hole and destroy me as you only know how to do it.

-Are you sure, sunflower? I don't want to hurt you.

-Do it, Do, I need you...

Harry lowered Zayn next to him, got out of bed to close the door with insurance and returned to his place, above Zayn.

The curled completely lowered both pants, raising his legs in the air without wasting time on lubrication or putting on a condom, he only entered, receiving in response a gasp from her husband.

For Zayn the pain down there was bearable, it was not the first time they did it that way; Harry began with his soft onslaughts, after a few deeper lunges those soft movements became violent.

Zayn's moans flooded the entire room, and Harry's gasps hid in the skin of her husband's nipples.

The youngest of both really tried not to moan so loudly, but it was inevitable when your husband's manhood filled you completely well.

-More, please, more...

-Ambitious man, right?


Harry listened to his pleas.

I was sure Zayn couldn't walk in a few days. Meanwhile, Zayn already felt like he cumming soon if Harry continued like this.

Harry soon cums first before Zayn followed him, letting both sticky and whitish fluids slide all over his body.

Zayn was a disaster, his disaster.

I kiss his lips and his neck to calm him, leaving marks of love on him, Harry clear that he was not left behind, his hair was messy, and his back was completely scratched, and his torso was full of purple marks.

Harry took care of cleaning them both, Zayn, even with the pain in his lower area, changed the sheets with help. When they finished, they both lay down, without first opening the door just in case.

-I love you, Zayn.

-I love you more, honey.

And with both hearts united, promising eternal love, Morpheus embraces you all night.

𝙃𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙 [✔︎] [English and Spanish Translation]Where stories live. Discover now