Kirishima's Past

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(So in this story, Mina knows everything about Kirishima's past.)

Glitchy: Today we are going to react to kirishima's past, looks at the screen.

Glitchy: Today we're reacting to Kirishima's past.

Kacchan: What's so interesting about Shitty Hair? And how do you know our past?

Deku: Kacchan, don't be rude!? But he's right how do you know our past.

Glitchy: Well, Katsuki I come from between different dimensions and in each dimennsion I'm in I have a different name and I look and become different to adapt in the dimension, for example in this dimension everyone has quirks (Boku no hero academia) and I have a quirk named imagine so what ever I think I can do or believe I can do, I CAN do it so I know all about your past and all your secreats and what will happend in the future to not effect your dimension I had to erase it all but don't worry I kept all your friends and family safe I even kept the villains and the ones who are dead are just ghost but they can still interact with things. And another version exactly the same will take your place but in return I will let you all stay here and life here. Also an exaple of another dimension is where everybody is normal except for a group of people where strange things happen to them (EddsWorld) and then there's more dimension but i'm so lazy to say any more soo... Any questions?

*Everyone was still processing this*

Glitchy: OH GOD I BROKE THEM!?!?






Deku: ...

Shoto: So can we know more about you?

Glitchy: Sure I will show you a video about myself soon and that's a promise, but now look at kirishima's past. 

(I'm sorry if you can't see the video the link is here:

*After the video everyone (except Mina) was shocked even the teachers *

*Aizawa and Principal Nezu were making therapy appointments for Kirishima*

I'm sorry if ther's not a lot of detail in it, I couldn't find a good video to show, also i'm still working on Fairy Tail x Bnha part 2, but in the next two chapters I will show you how the room they are in looks like and I will show you how actually Glitchy looks like and her backstory and yes Glitchy is a Girl.


-Your friendly neighborhood Hacker.

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