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I am so sorry for not updating in such a long time I've been going through stuff and just haven't really had the time or energy to do so. I also apologize for all the mistakes that are in this chapter, and also for how short this one is but I figured something was better then nothing. Last thing I am starting a new story it's called "A short forever" I only have the preface up but if you guys would check that out that would be great!

Thanks so much!!! Love you guys!!!


We walked into our packs hall James's arm around my waist. There were a couple of people sitting around a table drinking coffee, talking and laughing. James cleared his throat they all stopped talking at once and turned to us.

"Alpha" a couple of them said bowing their heads

Then a beautiful girl with the same black hair as James's stood and walked over to us

"Nice to actually meet you, I'm Izzy james's sister and the pack doctor"

I smiled and took her hand she had offered me "yeah nice to meet you also I'm Emma"

She smiled then gestured towards the table where people were still sitting watching us intently

"That's Max" she pointing to a guy with bleach blonde hair, he smiled revealing a dimple on his left cheek.

"And Lillie" pointing at a girl with honey colored hair that was pulled up into a ponytail, she smiled shyly and looked at her hands in her lap.

"Also that's Nick" she said pointing to the guy sitting next to Lillie. He had mouse colored hair and sand colored eyes.

"And finally that's Tyler" gesturing to a who sat at the end of the table, he had the same honey colored hair that Lillie had but instead of smiling like the others had he just glared daggers at me with his brown almost black eyes.

"Anyhow" Izzy spoke again "we were just going to head out and try and find civilization or something, do you want to tag along?"

I glanced at James when his grip around my waist had tightened. I turned back to Izzy

"Yeah I'd love to"

"Great then let's get going, James we'll be back before the gathering dinner"

James still hadn't loosened us grip on me so I started to wiggle around trying to get free

"I don't want you to go unprotected" he said holding me tighter against him to stop my wiggling

"Max and Tyler are coming too don't worry" Izzy said rolling her eyes at her brother

"No" Tyler said standing up "I'm not"
Then he stormed out of the room leaving a confused looking Izzy behind him.

"Well Max is still coming and me and Lillie will be there too, stop being over protective nothing's gonna happen"

After a minute James finally released me then turned to Max "please watch them if something happens it's on you"

Max looked a little nervous at those words but didn't have time to reconsider before Izzy jumped in "great!!! Now let's go!!"

I turned to follow her but was pulled back by a strong arm. James turned me around in his arms and looked down at me.

"Be careful he whispered in my ear then kissed my forehead"

"She's going shopping not leaving for war" Izzy said from by the door sounding a little annoyed

James laughed and dropped his arm from around my waist "you better go before my sister's head explodes"

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