♧Chapter 20♧

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*Branch's point of view*

Dear Poppy,
I know my words may not mean much now but I just wanted to let you know that your letters mean a lot to me. They actually made my day today even if they're short I appreciate them, I hope everything is going ok with you and I hope that you'll become less busy in the future. I want to see more of your letters because I really do like them knowing that you miss me makes me feel quite nice, don't get me wrong I've been just fine down here by myself it's quite peaceful even if I can still hear your parties.

Yours truly, Branch

I had just put my letter on my hatchet for her to find and I hope I didn't come off too strong, after all this stress I guess I've been paranoid about everything lately but I really do hope that my letters light up her day just like how her letters light up mine because I really do miss her. I know that I can just give up my plan and just go back but I can't because believe it or not I actually feel safe down here. Even despite the loneliness I no longer feel like I have to have eyes in the back of head 24/7 because that's genuinely what I feel like every time I went outside! I always felt like a Bergan was watching me and was about to get me at any moment just like it did with the most important person in my life. Those cold soulless yellow eyes and those moldy purple hands still haunts me to this day and I can never get over it. Besides it's not like this was a surprise I mean I've only been spending my whole life preparing for this moment I knew this day was coming at some point!

I've made my bed so now I have to lay on it!

But I guess sometimes you just don't want to lay on it...especially when there's a pretty girl just up above the surface who misses you.

The prettiest girl...


I haven't been sleeping much lately, I've been having nightmares of all kinds! I've had ones about the Bergans finding me, my grandma hating me, my secret getting out, me dieing, and the ones I hated the most...I've had dreams of Poppy hating me. That's my worst nightmare of all time I...I fear it more than anything even more than the Bergans. She's the most kind, precious, and beautiful girl in the world and I don't know what I'd do if I lost her. I love her so so much but she's too good for me, I wish I could be more like everyone else then maybe I would have a chance but that's impossible at this point.

But I haven't been just having nightmares...I've had dreams where Poppy and I are together, we would hold hands, cuddle, nuzzle noses, hug, and...kiss. They all make me feel embarrassed knowing that I'm basically fantasizing about being with someone who only sees me as a friend, does mean I'm being a creep!? I-It doesn't count if I can't even control them right!? A-And I don't think about this stuff during the day I swear! It just happens randomly when I'm asleep and I don't know what I'm gonna do, I can't keep living like this! I'm tired and I need sleep so I guess I'll take a chance tonight.

Which is right now-

I've already brushed my teeth and I'm in my robe so you know what?

*Turns off light*

It's bedtime!

I layed my head on my soft pillow and closed my eyes as I yawned while I drifted off to sleep. I feel much better now...


When I woke up I suddenly heard the sounds of nature filling my ears, like a small river flowing, birds chirping, and leaves rustling. My back was pressed against a sturdy tree and my hands gently stroked the soft grass below me, once my eyes were fully opened it looked like I was resting by a small river? Well...I'm not gonna complain too much it was actually quite the sight to see... wherever I was exactly sleeping. I was really confused at what exactly was  going on but then I remembered that this was most likely a dream. I would wake up and second, right? Since this looks more or less like a peaceful does mean I'm gonna have another random romantic moment with Poppy?

When I moved my cheek I looked down to see what was below me. It was Poppy cuddling beside me, her head rested on my shoulder.

I knew it.

She breathed softly and slowly, she sat closely beside me almost as if she was using me as a blanket.

Poppy: mmmm....

Branch: ...

I'll admit even if this all a dream it was still a nice moment but my only question is do I really desire to be with her that much? It felt strange having these dream especially since I enjoyed them so much but I couldn't help but feel the warmth and happiness in the moment so...I kissed her forehead and gently whispered in her ear.

Branch: I love you *kiss* I love you...

If only this was the real Poppy.

Poppy: ...mmmm...I love you too.

I scoffed

Branch: Yeah, but only in my dreams.

Poppy: ?

Then my ears drooped down and I rested my head on top of her's as I felt myself getting emotional with second that passed, I nuzzled face in her hair as tears fell.

Branch: And in your nightmares...

To be continued...

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