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Troll Village. What is it exactly? Well it's only known for having the happiest creatures known to man, the trolls. The village is in the middle of the peaceful forest, where everytime you sing the bugs and plants sing with you, where the air constantly smells like candy and cupcakes, where life is like one giant party. Sounds like a dream home, right? Well it is to everyone who lives their except for one troll...


The trolls are known for being the happiest creatures on Earth, it's almost impossible for someone to catch one frowning! The trolls love to hug, sing, dance, and party but Branch was the complete opposite of a troll. Instead of having colorful soft skin like most trolls his skin was grey, instead of having brightly colored hair his hair was a jet black, instead of wearing pretty clothes he instead wore clothes that are easy to fight in, instead of being happy...he's well...grumpy all the time. Why is he like this? Nobody knows and everyone is too afraid to ask, people had tried to make him happy before but it always ended in failure but one troll kept trying.

Princess Poppy

She (like her title suggests) is the princess of Troll Village and is runner up to be the next leader but for now her father is the one in charge of the place. Not only is she known as the princess but she's also known as the happiest troll of all, she always has a bright smile on her face and she truly believes that the world is all just cupcakes and rainbows (at least most of it).

And her number one goal? Well a....her two number one goals?

To be a good future queen and to make the only unhappy troll happy

Everybody thinks Branch hates everything and everyone...

Little do they know that Branch does have one thing he loves more than anything...

It's too bad he won't see her for 10 years.

To be continued...

It's been 10 years...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin