♧Chapter 9♧

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10 years in the Bunker: Day 1

After living in this bunker for most of my life why does it suddenly feel so much more empty now? I mean...it does get lonely here but all of sudden it just seems 10x more lonely down here, I mean what was I expecting what living down here for 10 years would be like anyway? It obviously wasn't gonna be a paradise that's for sure but it just...it's just not as great as I thought when I was younger I guess. It's quiet...it's awfully quiet, where the heck is Poppy with her mourning song? It's 9:15 the song should've started awhile ago...here's a little "Not-so fun fact" trolls always start there mourning with what they call a "mourning song." And Poppy is always the one that begins the mourning song so that everyone starts there mourning off "right" wanna know when the mourning song usually starts?


Early I know but what can I say? Poppy is early bird AND a night owl, which in my opinion IS NOT A GOOD MIX. Lucky for me sometimes Poppy parties too hard and ends up sleeping in a bit longer than usual which allows me to get extra rest but...something tells me she isn't singing cause she's tired...

It's because of me...

Poppy: B-Branch please don't leave...I'll...I'll...I'll miss you...


*Poppy's point of view*

I honestly don't know how to say it but...let's just say last night was...a bit interesting.


Creek: What's a pretty lady like you doing in the woods crying by herself?

He said as his mouth curled into a small smirk while his eyes were filled with want.

The sad princess just sniffed again and looked away, she just felt too ashamed to look at him. Creek of course wasn't going to except that and he cupped her soft cheek in his purple hand and made her face him a second time.

Creek: Poppy dearest, please tell me what's wrong.

She was silent for a moment before she finally answered...Creek was so patient with her.

Poppy: Branch said *sniff* that he was staying in his bunker and won't be coming back *sniff* for 10 years.

Creek just looked confused

Creek: Come again?

Poppy: Well...y-you know how he thinks the Bergans *sniff* will still find us? Well he says he'll stay in his bunker *sniff* i-in order to stay safe from them...for 10 years and h-honestly I don't think I'll be happy without him Creek. The whole point of me giving him invitations and showering him with glitter was to save him from being miserable all his life now I feel like I failed!

She began to cry again while burying her face in her knees.

Creek wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to comfort her but in his mind he was celebrating, Branch gone? For 10 years?

'This has got to be the best day of my life!' The purple troll thought

It was challenging for Creek to try and not smile but otherwise he was able to keep a straight face.

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