8. Big News

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Patty led us all the way to Dr. Malcom's door before stopping.

"It's been nice getting to know you!" she smiled at Sebastian.

"It was even better getting to know you, really!" Sebastian laughed giving her a hug.

"Well, I'll be seeing you!" she said beginning to walk away. "He's a good one!" she whispered to me as she passed. I nodded and gave her a thumbs up as she left.

Turning back to the door I remembered what we were doing.

"Are you ready?" Sebastian questioned thoughtfully.

"Are we ever really ready for anything?" I asked in return.

"I'll take that as a yes." He smirked grabbing my hand once more and opening the door.

Dr. Jill was at her desk and looked up when we entered.

"Hey guys!" she said excitedly. "Come on in! I'm glad that we were able to catch you Sebastian!" she gestured to the two seats in front of her desk. We both sat down and faced her.

"I didn't think that we were going to talk with you this week." I said looking at Sebastian. He seemed equally unsure about what was happening.

"Well, I have some news for you guys. Some good, and some a little unclear." she started, getting papers out. "Now, it's still pretty early, but since you both won't be together again for a while I figured this would be a good time.

"Y/n," she began with a smile, "you are officially pregnant!" she cheered giving us each a paper.

The second she said it I swear my heart dropped out of my chest. I knew that it was coming eventually, but to hear that it was 100% reality was totally different than I had imagined. I am a human vessel... I feel sick.

"Are you alright?" Sebastian's voice broke into my thoughts. I looked at him and he seemed concerned.

"Aren't you excited?" was all I could seem to utter.

"Yes of course, but you look like a ghost!" he said pulling his chair closer to mine. He put his hand to my forehead, and felt my cheeks. "Are you feeling okay?" he asked again.

"Uhh yeah, it's just... I don't know." I exhaled loudly. Then I looked down at my stomach and felt faint. Sebastian took my now clammy hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"Let's just give Y/n a second." Dr. Jill smiled. "Almost everyone is taken aback when they first find out that they are going to be a mother.  How do you feel Sebastian?" she asked.

"Well, if Y/n is okay, then I'm really excited!  I mean wow! I'm going to be a dad." he laughed, but still looked concerned for me.

"I'm fine.  I just didn't think now would be the moment it would all come together." I assured with a nervous laugh of my own.

"Everything is going to be okay." he said giving me a hug.  "You are going to do amazing, and we are here to support you every step of the way" he whispered in my ear as I relaxed in his arms.  I hadn't realized that I was feeling so week until he was holding me.

"Thanks." I whispered back as a tear rolled down my cheek. 

"Oh, don't cry sweetheart." he said wiping it away with his thumb as he pulled away.  "You are going to make an amazing mom, and I can't wait to see it all." he said brushing my hair back.  All I could do was blush at his kindness.

"So, if this was the good news, what was the unclear news?" Sebastian asked Dr. Jill suddenly.  I saw a shadow cross his face as he asked.

"Okay, well that is a little more complicated." she exhaled.  "Assuming things go well, which we are hoping they will, but it's still early.  There are a few possible, and so far minor, complications."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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