7. A Week

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I don't know quite what I was expecting from the week. Probably some awkward afternoons with cafeteria food being the only conversation topic. But, it was actually really fun. If you have ever spent much time making hospital visits you know that fun is not usually a word associated with that time. But, with me being on strict "house" arrest, Sebastian knew that our week was going to have to be a little unorthodox.

His first idea was to do a sort of tour of food. Famous foods from the most famous places around Chicago. He got Pizzas, pastas, hot dogs, tacos, cakes, and cookies.  We decided to start a list where we ranked everything we tried, and would give it a score out of ten.  Our work had to be on a dry erase board though, because we always we felt differently the next day.

He was also sweet enough to get us both art supplies.  Paints, canvases, brushes, and basically everything else you could need.  Which led to us spending several of our afternoons painting the hours away.  I did a painting of tropical birds, one of the half eaten chocolate cake we had, and a terrible likeness of Sebastian painting in the sunlight.  He said that it was abstract, but he could definitely see it.  I know that it looked hilariously wrong though.  He painted an old rocking chair he used to have (from memory of course), my wildflowers in their vase, and an irritatingly good painting of me smiling next to my easel. 

"I didn't know that you could paint like that." I said admiring his beautiful work.

"Well it's easy when you have such great material to work with!" he complimented smoothly.

"It can't be that easy because I was trying to do a good job on yours and it looks like a wet dog wearing overalls!" I laughed.

"So you are saying that I am good painting material Y/n?  Are you trying to say that I'm good looking?  That's what you're implying isn't it?" he joked.

"Or maybe you do look like a wet dog in overalls... and I am an incredible artist." I said seriously.

"Maybe." he smirked.

I couldn't help but just stare at him the afternoons we painted.  He always seemed to have at least a bit of paint on his cheek, which somehow looked good.  While I was brushing away trying to "blend" he was focused so hard that he wouldn't even notice me admiring his struggling artist look.

In addition to painting, Sebastian said that we should watch some of my favorite movies.  I wanted to keep things fun so we watched How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sleepless in Seattle, Mama Mia, Napoleon Dynamite, and a few of Sebastian's personal picks.  He said that I was a talented chick-flick connoisseur, and I took it as the ultimate compliment.  After that, I forced him to watch Captain America The Winter Soldier.  The shock on Patty's face when she saw him on the TV made me laugh until I was crying.  Apparently, she didn't realize that he was an actor.  She had thought for some reason that he was a clothing designer, so I started saying that I was modeling Stan by Sebastian.  I think he was somehow flattered even though it was fake.

In the evenings we would sit and talk.  I talked more about the bookstore, my family, and what my house looked like.  He listened to the details about my life like they were the most interesting thing he'd ever heard.  It actually made me nervous, because I expected him to be bored out of his mind.  He talked about his family too, and what his house in L.A. was like.  He was so excited about his ideas for the baby's room that he had to try to sketch it on paper. 

"And we'll put a door in this wall that will connect to your room." he pointed to one of the walls in his drawing.  "That way you can be right there all the time.  You will hopefully feel close, and when they are older they will feel like you are apart of their space at my house." he smiled at his idea.

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