Time Is Impatient

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Kilgharrah..." He meandered back to the window, brushing his fingers against the silk curtains. "Do go on."

"He said I shouldn't trust you."

"To each his own, I suppose... but to be expected."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I wouldn't trust me, but that's just me. You may do as you wish as long as Merlin is dead. I do not care if I have your trust. It is of no consequence."

"You do not care if you have my trust?" Morgana was growing increasingly perplexed. 

"No. I know that you want your revenge. I know you want Emrys dead. I want the boy dead as well. I'm giving you the chance to get your revenge. Wanting the same thing does not make us allies. Associates, maybe, but not allies and certainly not friends."

"I gave no indication that I wanted to be your friend," Morgana said, offended.

"Yet, you seek to know my mind as a friend should."

"Believe me, it is only a sick curiosity. I do not care how you feel otherwise!" she snapped. 

"Then we have an agreement."

"There's something else that Kilgharrah said."


"He said I cannot change destiny. He said, no matter what I do, I will not be able to get any type of revenge."

Kyulds snorted. "The reptile sounds wise, but he has been wrong about many things. He only means to scare you away from trying."

"You're certain?"

"Of course not. I'm not certain of anything. I have my suspicions, and usually, I'm right."

"I must admit, you're not filling me with great confidence."

"Then don't act with confidence. Act with instinct."

Morgana did not have a response to this. 

"Now, if you will excuse me, I am growing much too tired of this conversation. I will leave you to your... bed." Without another word, Kyulds vanished, seemingly becoming one with the breeze blown curtains. 

Slowly, Morgana's adrenaline diminished and she was able to get back into bed. However comfortable, her mind was still ravaged by thoughts of her situation. Who should she believe? The Great Dragon or Kyulds? both of whom seemed to enjoy being as cryptic as possible. Was destiny set in stone? or was it malleable and could it be changed? Could Merlin be killed? 

And then... how much else had she changed since she arrived here? She had thought that it would be an amount insignificant to her plight, but according to Kyulds...

Stop it!! she told herself. It was no use catastrophizing. She had the upper hand. How could things possibly play away from her favor?


Kyulds drifted through the castle, taking no form, no physical body. Simply a consciousness floating down the many halls, through the many doors, and into the physicians chambers. The old man was asleep and was not wakened by the slight breeze that Kyulds brought with him. He went up the small set of stairs and found the boy, sitting atop a few crates, staring pensively out the window at the night sky. His attention was stirred by the beings presence. 

"Gaius? Is that you?"

Kyulds smiled. "Not Gaius," he whispered, but in such a way that Merlin could not hear. 

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