"Rest now. I'll move you to your room that you can share with Sasuke." Naruto heard (Kakashi was speaking), then nodded weakly. He flinched as Kakashi picked him up and walked swiftly toward the door of the room.

As soon as Kakashi entered Naruto and Sasuke's room, Sasuke jumped up. As soon as he saw the bandages (that were now turning crimson) on Naruto's shoulder, the raven-head paled quite a bit, scared out of his wits for the poor boy.

"I'm fine." Naruto called when he was set down on a soft mattress. 

"Uh huh, after nearly dying, and shouting after Kakashi-sensei just put you down, you're definitely fine." Sasuke said, still staring at Naruto, who was now the color of freshly fallen snow. 

Kakashi wrapped him with a few blankets, before going to probably get some food. Sasuke kneeled at Naruto's side, the latter trying to. Rest, his eyes closed, but NOT asleep.

"What is it?" Naruto asked.

"N-nothing." Sasuke replied. Suddenly, Sasuke yelped as Naruto's hand grabbed Sasuke's and pulled him closer. He didn't mind the contact because he and Sasuke were bonded brothers for life, nothing could come between them.

Well, except for his ego problems.

You're ruining the moment.

Naruto returned his attention to Sasuke, who was now lying on the pile of blankets, his face resting on the mound of blanket material which buried Naruto's chest, somehow he didn't feel any pain when extra pressure was added to his wound.

"Tell me Sasuke. You have nothing to fear from me." Naruto asked earnestly.

Sasuke sat up on Naruto's stomach. He didn't have any pain there, so Sasuke didn't worry about hurting him.

(A/N: I think this is being influenced by my SasuNaru side, oof. I'll try to bring the brotherhood back.)

"Well, Okay, but you can't judge me nor can you hate me for being selfish." Sasuke harrumphed and gave in. Naruto nodded.

Sasuke sighed, "Well, I'm worried about you, if you keep getting yourself hurt I fear that I might need to put a leash on you so you don't go running like a headless chicken and- what's so funny?" Sasuke asked as he bounced on Naruto, who was shaking to the funny bone with laughter.

Naruto gasped from his laughing, "Didn't- *Snickers that hurt his belly (and kurama)* know you had- *more snickers* that kind of a side, Sass-y-guy!" Naruto warped the Uchiha's name to something that went against Sasuke's whole existence, and especially since he was the last Uchiha. The Black-haired boy scowled as the blonde-haired one laughed some more.

"Ha... carry on..." Naruto gasped, tears leaking out of his eyes from laughing so much, and his belly had a strange kind of pain, some pain that wasn't human-caused, it was because of a certain chakra (More like Kurama giving Naruto payback for shaking him so much from laughing.)

Sasuke sighed and continued, "Anyway, I'm worried you might keep hurting yourself, and even though you have amazing healing powers and will bounce up sooner or later, I'm worried that it can't keep you safe forever. It might start to slow down, and you might get more affected by each injury you take." 

Naruto smiled gently, "That's why I always train. It makes me stronger, so I don't get hurt too often. And to protect my loved ones from getting hurt. And making sure Iruka-Nii doesn't kill me." He shivered, "Anyway. It's late. Go sleep." Sasuke nodded before getting off of Naruto, who grunted slightly as Sasuke jostled him on his way up and away.

(A/N: Why the HECK does this remind me of a porn scene. I'm screwed.)

"Had a nice brother-bonding session?" Kakashi asked with a smirk that was actually visible through his mask.

Life of the Savior - A Naruto Prodigy and NaruHina storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon