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"My name is Izuku Midoriya." The smile on his face was enough to warm every crevice of Shinso's soul. He smiled, offered his human hand, and shook Izuku's. "I'm running away from Kat, so don't give away my location." Shinso nodded. This was the first human he'd ever met. He hoped it wouldn't be the last. 

"Where do you live?" Izuku questioned. 

Shinso pointed to the cliffs everyone had labeled dangerous. 

"Oh? That must be exciting. To be perfectly honest," Izuku scratched the back of his neck. "You're not the first merperson I've met. I met a merman once. He saved my life. I've been trying to find him ever since but..." 

"Do you know what he looks like?" Shinso spoke. It was the first time he'd used his voice like this. Telepathy was his primary mode of communication. But after spending an hour or two in hiding around humans, he'd picked up their language. 

"Half red half white. That's the best I've got," he giggled. "Say, do you practice magic? Do you think you could give me a tail if I needed one?" 

"Hm," Shinso crossed his human arms and scratched his temple with a tentacle. "I've never thought about it but I assume it's rather dangerous. Magic always comes at a cost." 

"Ah, okay, well then I won't worry about it. What's your name?"

"Name?" Shinso tilted his head. 

"You don't have one?" Izuku blinked. "Then, should I give you one?" he smiled. "How about 'Shinso'?"  


"Just come on, I have someone I want you to meet," Izuku grabbed Bakugo's arm and dragged him toward the beach near the cliffs. "Shinso! Are you there?" he yelled at the top of his lungs. 

"Are you out of your mind?" Bakugo pulled his arm away. "What could possibly be-" Shinso poked his head out of the water and moved toward the beach. It was a bit far from the cliffs but since he liked Izuku so much he figured it would be worth it. Bakugo saw his face and instantly took a step in front of Izuku. He grabbed his sword at his hip and unsheathed it, pointing it at Shinso. "What the fuck kind of monster are you?" Shinso's sparkling skin only seemed to glow more in the light of the setting sun. He didn't show any of his octopus half after that comment. This must be what his parents warned him about. So that's why he shouldn't be speaking to humans. 

"Stop it Kat!" Izuku spun around in front of him, holding his arms out at his sides and standing in between the sword and Shinso. 

"That's obviously some type of monster! What are you doing?! Get away from him!" 

"He isn't a monster! He is my friend!" 


"Would you catch me if I jumped from the cliffs?" Izuku asked, lying down on the bank of Shinso's cave. "There is a ledge but I don't really want to climb down. I can't go to the beach anymore and ask you to pick me up because Kat is being such a jerk," Izuku huffed and crossed his arms. 

"Of course," Shinso smiled. "I'll always catch you when you jump." 

"Thanks," Izuku grinned. 


"You have to stop going to see that freak!" Bakugo snapped. 

"He is my friend! Not a freak!" 

"He isn't human! You can't trust him! You don't know what he is going to do!" 

"Are you sure you're not just jealous, Kat?" Izuku frowned. "I've been your only friend for as long as I can remember. Shouldn't you branch out a bit?" Izuku pulled his arm away from Katsuki and glared. "Shinso is not going to hurt me! He isn't like what you think." 

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