- F O U R -

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Just as Shinso had instructed, Denki didn't return to the cliffs for the rest of the week. He wandered around the palace. He went on various hikes alone. Everyone smiled at him when he returned. Eijirou seemed on edge. Even moreso than before. He didn't understand why. On Denki's way back to his room he noticed the light on in Prince Bakugo's. Curious, he looked through the open door. 

"What are you doing?" Eijirou asked, lightly pushing against Prince Bakugo's chest. He didn't answer and instead kissed him. Prince Bakugo's hand slid up underneath Eijirou's shirt. Denki stood there, frozen, watching the scene unfold. Each time he tried to look away, he couldn't and kept staring at the two of them. Denki took a step back, forcing himself to enter his own room, and closed the door quietly. 

He faceplanted on his bed and started sobbing. He knew that there was nothing that was going to happen between him and his husband. He knew that...but it still hurt to be cheated on. And with Eijirou! The only other person outside of Shinso that had been kind to him-- was now fooling around with his husband. 

"What was the point of me getting married?" Denki sobbed into his pillow. He clutched the shell around his neck and held it to his lips. He wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. Ultimately, he placed the necklace back in its original position and continued his muffled sobs. 

You're crying...? Shinso's voice resounded in his head. Denki sat up and held the shell. He opened his mouth but closed it. He didn't want to bother him. You don't have to say anything, I understand. But look outside you're window. You should be able to see the sea. Denki moved to his window and opened it, staring out at the water. He was right. He really could see the sea from here. A giant bolt of light shot up into the sky and exploded. Denki hadn't seen anything like it before. In that brief moment, he was able to escape the lingering sadness looming over him. 

"Thank you," he muttered to the shell. 

Only you should've been able to see that. Consider yourself special

"You have a way of always being able to cheer me up." 

"Who are you talking to?" Eijirou opened the door. 

"I'm just talking to myself," Denki slipped the shell back underneath his clothes. "There aren't a whole lot of people to talk to here...so I've been talking to myself." 

"Really?" Eijirou asked and then immediately looked at his hands. "Listen, I, I need to tell you something." 

"What is it?" Denki crossed his arms. 

"I-" Eijirou shook his head. "It's nothing." 

"Do you love my husband?" Denki turned his attention back to the water. 

Eijirou's eyes widened. "You-" 

"Do you love my husband?" he repeated. 

"Yes," he muttered, starting to cry. "But he doesn't care about me, not really, so you have nothing to worry about." 

"It's fine," Denki sighed, leaning up against the rail of his window. "I'm sure he would prefer you than me. He doesn't even want to see me." 

"You're also never around to see," Eijirou sighed. "You don't want to try and get closer to him again? You said you two were close before." 

"Stop," Denki held up his hand. "You don't have to feel bad for sleeping with my husband. We're husbands in name only." 

"I'm not- It wasn't--" 

"I'm serious, Eijirou," Denki waved him away. "It's fine." 


"You said something to Eijirou didn't you!?" Prince Bakugo grabbed Denki's shirt collar and threw him into the wall. 

"What?" Denki winced. 

"You said something to him! I know you did-" 

"Is this about the time you two have been spending with each other?" Denki removed Prince Bakugo's hands and adjusted his shirt. "You're the prince. You can do what you want with your time. I would not want to do anything to get in your way. You told me not to, so don't take your anger out on me-" 

Prince Bakugo punched Denki in the face and sent him flying. Denki winced, hitting the ground, and nearly lost consciousness. 

"Stay away from Eijirou," he warned. "Our relationship has nothing to do with you." The prince made a sharp turn and exited in the direction he came. Denki sat up, holding his face, and wondered if it was time he could see Shinso again. 

"Are you okay?" Eijirou ran to Denki. 

"Why don't you ask your favorite prince?" 

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