Chapter 15 - Fangirl Thor

Comincia dall'inizio

My name is

Percy Jackson

Mr. Ego

I' m going to faint

Fish Boy

Please don't

anyways I will trust you with my identity now swear on the river Styx you wont reveal this to anyone

Mr. Ego

( Recording )

Fish Boy

Now I'm a demigod son of Poseidon

Greek, roman, and Egyptian mythology is all real.

my friends are all demigods as well. 

My girl friend is the daughter of Athena the wisdom goddess.

The "powerful people' Are primordials and monsters. We are facing the Pit. Tartarus. He is almost impossible to beat. We already faced the giants and the titans.

You are a legacy of Hephaestus the blacksmith god. Your mom married Hephaestus so you have his talent is building things

I also saved the world twice

Mr. Ego


do you have tittles?

Fish Boy

Yeah but theres alot

Mr. Ego


🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺

Fish Boy

Fine but don't say I did not warn you

I'm the son of Poseidon, slayer of the furies, the Minotaur (Twice), Medusa, Crusty, The Nemean Lion, Greyon, Cacus, The sea monster in the Carquinez Array, Arcane, the arai , The son of sobek, and numerous hellhounds, enpousi, kelli, cyclopes ( Sorry Tyson), Centaurs, tellkunes, and countless other monsters.Defeater of Ares, Polyphēmus, Nereus, Antaeus, Phobos, Iapetus, Hades, Hyperion Kronos, Polybotes, Chrysaor Otis, Ephialtes, Akhlys, and others. Wielder of riptide, seerer of fates, retriever of Areas' of shield, escaped the lotus hotel and casino, retriever of the master bolt, retriever of the helm of darkness, sailor of the sea of monsters, retriever of the golden fleece, entered the Garden of Hesperides, bearer of the sky, savior of Artemis, protector of Ophiotaurus(Bessie), wanderer of the Labyrinth, Cleaner of the stables of the mares of Diomedes, caused mount saint Helon's to erupt, gone to Ogygia, witnesses the fading of Pan, Finder of the bronze dragon of Hephaestus ( Later known as Happy the Dragon), retriever of the chariot of ares, walked in the river Lethe, retriever of the sword of Hades, former bearer of the curse of Achilles, receiver of Pandora's pithos, survived sitting on an Olympian throne, savior of Olympus (twice) refused godhood, retriever of Hermes staff, subject of two great prophecies, one of the seven, carried Juno across the little Tiber, Retriever of the twelfth legends eagle, former pastor of new Rome, drinker of gorgon's blood, controller of the river of the underworld, survivor of the death mist, escaped Ntyx's palace, survivor of Tartarus, defeater of Nike, Host of Nekhbet, defeater of Setne, retriever of the crown of Ptolemy. Slayer of Gaia and most of the giants. Encountered but did not defeat, Echidna, the Chimera, Cerberus, the bronze bulls of Hephaestus, the hydra, Charybdis, Scylla, the sorceress Circe, the manticore, skeletal warriors, defective talos, Atlas, Kampe, Lydian drakon, Alcyonues, Nyx, and her children, Tartarus

The God of liquids, loyalty, sword fighting, demigods, blue food, and the 13th Olympian

Head counselor of cabin 3, rider of blackjack, owner of Mrs. O'Leary, and most importantly boyfriend of Annabeth Chase." 

⌚⏰⌚Ten Minutes Later⌚⏰⌚

Mr. Ego


Fish Boy

Now don't tell anyone

Well there's things worse than death

Mr. Ego

Don't worry

Well I'm going I need some time to take this in

Fish boy

Don't worry about it

I had to too when I first found out I was a demigod

Mr. Ego


Fish Boy




I finished another chappie!

I think my internet glitched and almost all of my words from yesterday got deleted. So yeah. I think it published my not finished version. And its not completely identical. 

See you guys next time! BYE!

Avengers Text Percy JacksonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora