Chapter 6 - Unfair

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So that's how it's going to be. Being friends with her is the best I can do and is a way for neither of us to get unwanted publicity. I should be thankful that I can be friends with her, or that I even know her. I shouldn't be selfish. It's gonna be difficult, being only friends with a beautiful Korean girl.

"Elvis, I really can't believe that you actually did what that girl wanted," the Colonel said as we entered my suite, and I took off my grey suit jacket.  We had to turn on the light since it was already dark outside. "I didn't want you to do it, but you did it anyway."

We walked through the sitting area with sofas and a kitchenette and came into the bed area that had two beds in it. I laid my jacket on my bed gently. It was around $500 after all. My whole wardrobe for the movie was around $10,000 collectively, which was mind-boggling. "I didn't see the harm in it. I told her what my fans normally want to hear from me – I want to be their friend."

He sat on the bed that I wasn't using, the one on the right. I liked sleeping near the window, as much as the Colonel didn't want me to, fearing I would be seeing somehow from the widow. He gave me a questionable look as I sat on my bed and undid my black tie and took it off.

"Is that the only thing that you said to her?" he asked. "You know that I can talk to John and Jerry about it."

John and Jerry seemed more like babysitters than my detail. The Colonel was more like my babysitter as well. I smirked at his comment. "Jerry went off to escort Amy's friend Carry downstairs while I had a chat with Amy. The guy was hit hard with Cupid's arrow."

My manager shook his head. "What is it with you guys and the maids in this building, huh?"

I chuckled. "They're just really pretty gals, that's all."

"I can still ask John."

"He's just gonna tell ya what I told ya just now. Really, we just agreed to be friends. That's all we can be, anyway. She was even concerned that my reputation would be ruined if we're seen together."

His brows rose. "Well, smart girl. She's right to think that."

"Yeah, but I told 'er not to worry about it. I'm seen with all sorts of people all the time."

"But a maid? That seems worse than all the others. The papers are already talking about your little visit to the hotel workers this morning."

Irritation pricked my chest at his opinion of those wonderful people. "Yes, I read those articles. People are really happy that I care about the little man, so to speak, and people who are normally not seen."

"Still, we don't want you associating with a maid. I know how you feel about that girl, and if you keep on seeing her, even on a friendly basis, things can escalate."

He had a point, and I didn't like that he did. "Okay, okay, I'll be careful."


He started talking about my schedule for the next day. Thankfully, it was an early turn-in day - the clock read 8pm - so I could go to sleep early if I wanted to. No doubt I wouldn't be able to sleep much as usual. I had more of a reason. Those slanted brown eyes and pretty face were going to encumber my thoughts all night, whether I was asleep or awake.

I needed to figure out how to make it so I could see Amy more often. What could be done? I knew I had to be careful, so what was the most careful solution to this?

I would have to sleep on it.

~ ~ ~

"Miss Kim and Miss Snow, follow me to my office, please."

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