Chapter 12 - Bad Timing

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The last time I was in a dreamy love daze was after my first evening with Priscilla. The attraction between us was instant, and I took her out on a little date a few nights later. I was on cloud nine the whole time.

This seemed like three times that. It was as if I floated into my room and took off my coat and tie. The Colonel nor my detail were in the room at the moment. The Colonel was in bed, and Jerry and John left for the night. Jerry laughed when I came out from the roof top with Amy – he said that he had never seen such a lovestruck look on my face before. According to him, it was there on my face after the rooftop, after I dropped Amy off at her home, and on until I arrived at the hotel. I had to make a comeback and say that his face had been like that since he first set his eyes on Carry.

Some pickle us two guys were in, being completely smitten with two maids who were best friends with each other, and who were breaking the rules by being close to us. It was all worth it, right? That was what Amy said. I knew I was breaking a rule by being involved with her... How exciting it was to be a little rebellious.

I checked my watch as I lay in bed, dressed in my grey sweats and white t-shirt. It was just after eleven. Priscilla came to mind. I sometimes called her late at night since it was early morning there in Germany. At the moment, it would be around seven in the morning. She would be up – she was an early riser. I really needed to call her and let her know what was going on. It would nag at me until I did it.

I sat up and took up the black phone handle on the little bedside table. I called the operator number for international calls, 011, and like the last time I called, the woman gasped on the other end. She obviously knew my voice – pretty much all people did. I told her I wanted to call Germany, and I gave her the city. I had to put in Priscilla's home phone number into the rotary.

I heard ringing. My heart banged inside of me. I knew this was going to hurt her... I was basically going to break up with her. And I had to do it in three minutes since the phone would cut after that. It did that with international calls.

"Beaulieus residence."

My heart jumped up to my throat. That was Priscilla's sweet voice. Like that operator woman who knew my voice, I would know Priscilla's voice out of a million people. "Priscilla."

She let out a gasp. "Oh my goodness, Elvis! I was wondering when you would be calling me next."

I sat there on the edge of my bed, phone against the right side of my head. "I'm sorry for not callin' for a while. I've been so busy with filming, fan meets, concerts, the works. You know how it is."

"Yes, I do. Boy oh boy, I can't wait to see you in a couple short months! Daddy booked my plane to go Memphis, but since you're there in Seattle, I convinced him to switch it, so I'm going straight to Seattle when I come home."

Something pinched my gut. Here it starts. "Priscilla... I'm so touched that you would go out of your way to come and see me in Seattle."

"Why wouldn't I come and see you?" she asked indignantly. "I miss you so, so much. Talking to you on the phone some mornings is great and all, and I can hear your voice, but I just want to see you in person and hold you close."

Before, I would respond in a similar way, that I wanted nothing more than to hold her close, but now that Amy happened... "You're so sweet, Priscilla, you know that?"

She was silent for a moment, then, "Elvis, is anything wrong?"

Of course she would clue into this. She knew me too well. "It's that noticeable, huh?"

"I can hear it in your voice. What happened? Do you want to talk about it? Is that why you called?"

Again, nothing got by her, especially when it had to do with me. "Yes, it is. Don't get me wrong Priscilla – I miss you and it's really great to hear your voice, but I'm afraid I have to tell ya somethin' that you're not gonna like, and... I'm sorry."

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