Part II

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Eline Vere was the title of the book I was carrying around all day on Thursday and Friday. I was trying desperately to find Theo to return it, but it seemed like every time I thought he would be available to meet up, he was nowhere to be found. Tired of the games, I decided that I would find him no matter how I may be invading his privacy.

I set off to the billiard room to speak with Arthur about Theo.

"Hello, darling," Arthur greeted me with a kiss on the forehead that made me warm inside. Damn me, I was going head over heels for Theodorous just yesterday.
He smelled of scotch, for he and Vincent had been playing a drinking game when I came in. I knew that Arthur hadn't been losing, so I assumed that he was only drinking with Vincent to make him feel better.

"Hello!" I responded a little too eagerly. I was happy to be in Arthur's presence, so I did a twirl around the room drawing the attention of Vincent as well.

"Well, someone is in a good mood today," Arthur speculated.

"I am, now that I'm with you," I announced as I grabbed his hand.

I suddenly remembered my purpose for meeting him, and my face contorted with mock anger. I shoved the book in Arthur's face and explained the disrespect that Theo had shown to me.

"So you want to know where he is to return a. . . book?" Arthur asked with a confused look on his face.

"Yes," I responded, lacking understanding of what was so hard for him to grasp.

"Haha, well. . . why don't we play a game? If you win, you may know exactly where he is and I will additionally do whatever you want for a day. But, if you lose, you don't get to know, you must do as I say for a day, and Vincent over here gets your daily ration of syrup every day for the next two weeks."

"Ugh. . . that's soooo mean, but I accept. I want some say in the choice of game, though."

"Good, now let us begin. What game would you like to play?"

I thought, for a brief second and came to a game that my friends and I used to play in highschool: Truth or Dare. The game was easy to play and I knew it would be fun to play with a man I was in love with. I also knew that there was absolutely no way that I could beat Arthur at any game of wits or of physical strength. I came to the conclusion that Truth or Dare was the best possible option.

" Well, in my time we used to play a game called Truth or Dare."

"Truth or Dare? In your time? I used to play that game when I was in my 19th-century grade school!" Arthur announced with a smile on his face.While he seemed surprised that the game was still popular in the future, he appeared completely and utterly baffled that I would choose such a childish game.

"Now, did you? Well, this way will be harder, okay? In this game, the first one to chicken out takes the loss, so no matter the question or the dare, you must do it to win."

"Okay, I get it. Now, I've never lost a game in my life, so prepare yourself, " He said, beaming with self-confidence.

"Okay, truth or dare?" I asked with reluctancy.

"Dare" he replied, self assured.

"I dare you to make out with Vincent."

"Ugh, I would so much rather take a tumble around with you, but a dare is a dare."

He walked slowly toward Vincent and reluctantly kissed him. Slowly, he began to grow bolder and I wondered why I didn't dare him to kiss me. Vincent was clearly uncomfortable, so I told Arthur to stop.

"Arthur, that is enough, please leave him be," I said, feeling terrible about what I had impermissibly caused for Vincent.

"He's an excellent kisser, I can't lie," said Vincent comically.

We went around a few times, Arthur and I, daring each other to lick and touch various appalling items around the room such as Vincent's dirty underwear and socks before we came to anything remotely romantic. Finally, I came upon the opportunity to dare him again.
"Arthur," I started gazing into his ocean blue eyes, "I dare you to kiss me," I said, knowing exactly my intentions.

"And that's my cue to leave," said Vincent, hastily racing toward the door.

"Y/n. . ." Arthur began, gazing intently into my eyes.

He looked at me with the most adoring glance and at last he drew closer. He waited for a moment, and at last his lips met mine. He pushed me and sat me down on the sofa as he straddled me and skillfully kissed me deeply. I pulled back, only to purge my inner craving. He kissed me again, growing deeper, as he laid me down and found his place on top of me.

"Arthur. . ." I began breathlessly, "I think we should stop," I was reluctant to go too far with him after what had happened the day before with Theo. Oh, how I wished I could tell Arthur about the emotional conflict I was facing, but I didn't have the choice. I decided that it was the best idea to stop where we had left things rather than in a mess of the love triangle I was in.

"I think it's best I forfeit in this game," I said disappointedly.

"Oh, darling," Arthur began, " It looks like I win, and I won't be very generous this time."

I had forgotten all about the part where I had to do whatever he said, but surely he wouldn't make me do anything I was uncomfortable with. . . right?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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