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Rex and Fives spent almost all day with you. You all played games, talked about past missions, made plans for the day you would get discharged from the medical bay, walked around the room a lot, and Fives even started gossiping again. They left about two hours ago to go to 79's. It was upsetting when they left, but you were happy they were having fun, even if it meant you couldn't.

It was around 2300, and the medical droid was insisting you sleep. Although, you argued with the annoying thing.

"I'll go to bed when I'm done with this!" You shouted at the droid, pointing at the hologram map of numerous planets.

"Fine. At least go to bed at some point." The droid ordered, then left the room. You rolled your eyes, something you found yourself doing a lot more often recently. You zoomed the holomap in on a planet you heard Fives mention earlier. You've been searching for it and you finally found it.

Abafar. Apparently a distress signal was sent to Kamino and the Kaminoans traced the signal to Abafar, but no one knew who or what it was so they discarded it, according to Fives. You've been thinking about that ever since Cody stopped by to steal the two troopers from you. You would've gotten angry, but he asked you how you were doing and wished you well so you couldn't complain. At least not too much.

You zoomed in closer onto the planet, seeing a completely dusty surface, no villages or anything. As you were zooming in even closer, the door opened. You shut the holomap off immediately, seeing Rex stumble through the door.

"Rex?" You leaned forward, seeing him chuckle for no reason. Well, maybe there was a reason but you were clueless to what that reason may be. Was he drunk? You didn't think he would be able to get drunk too often unless he had a reason. He could drink a lot and not even get tipsy.

"Ner cyare," he mumbled as he made his way over to your bed.

"What? Rex what are you doing here?" You asked confused. You were unsure why he came here instead of going to his barracks after drinking. And, from the way he was acting, he had been drinking pretty heavily.

"I wanted to stop by and see your beautif-ful face," he slurred a bit. You felt your cheeks slightly heat up.

"No, Rex, go back to your barracks!" You tried to convince him to leave and sleep, considering the hangover he would have tomorrow. Rex was still wearing his armor, but he began to take it off slowly. He set his armor neatly in a stack next to your bed, leaving him in his blacks. "Rex really, what are you doing?"

"Making sure ner cyare feels better. I felt bad leaving and drinking while you're... stuck here," Rex spoke, still slightly slurring his words.

"I feel great. Now please, do me a favor and return to your barracks," you tried again to convince him.

"I won't make it all the way there. Cody kept handing me shots," he briefly explained, sitting on the bed next to you in his usual spot by your stomach. You could feel his emotions with the Force. He was both happy and satisfied, which relieved you.

"Should I call you a taxi?" You offered.

"No, I'll be okay," he looked at you, smiling softly at first. Then he started to giggle, showing his perfect teeth. His laughter was contagious. You weren't sure why he was laughing, but it was entertaining. You never expected Rex to get this drunk. You thought he'd be able to handle his drinks. Then again, you didn't know how many drinks or shots he had.

You moved over on the bed, making room for Rex to lay beside you. He hesitated, unsure if he should do what you silently asked. Fortunately, he did just that. He laid down next to you on the small bed.

Fatal FacadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora