Chapter 4: The Apartment, Azabu-juban, dvsn-The line

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She wasn't sure what to expect. It was definitely a minimalist bachelor pad. The ground wooden floors, walls all whites. Everything had a place. He was exceptionally tidy except for a lone empty cup left on the coffee table and a shirt strewn on the couch. The apartment felt semi-lived in although it was fully furnished and everything seemed in order. Something felt 'missing', though she did not know what.

"Excuse the mess," he said in Japanese.

She didn't reply. She wished her apartment was as 'messy' as this. As soon as they'd stepped inside, he'd started to speak in his native tongue. She guessed it was because he was in his space and felt at home. The combination of his voice and the confident way he spoke his own language made her heart beat that bit faster.

He grabbed the shirt off the sofa and walked through to another room attached to the living area. The bedroom? A tingle ran up and down her spine. She took in the large size of the main room before he walked back in.

There was a bookcase overflowing with Japanese books on one side of the wall. Another was proudly filled with magazines and industry publications next to a sound system. But no music anywhere to be seen. On the opposite side of the wall he had a much larger than average sized TV that looked almost like a mini cinema screen.

So he liked his movies. She looked around to locate the DVDs. None. Strange. She figured it was handy having a rental DVD store directly underneath him. Netflix, she guessed. Dropping her bag on the floor, she took off her shoes and padded over to the inviting leather sofa, hot coffee in hand. The oak chaise enveloped her, giving Seta silent permission to fall asleep. She so badly wanted a sip of the coffee before it got cold.

After a brief spell, he came back into the room, catching sight of her lying on the sofa. Her coffee deliberations momentarily put on hold. His suit jacket. Gone. Tie. Loosened. Seta took him all in, admiring his natural beauty.

"Your muffins, I will get you a plate," he said, being the gracious host.

"Thank you but maybe I'll have them later for breakfast."

As soon as the words tumbled out of her mouth she felt herself blush. She hadn't assumed she'd be staying the whole night. Just her attempt to politely avoid eating the sweet treats.

He smiled at her assuredly, conscious she felt she'd made a faux pas and repeated her line with humour laced in his voice. "Sure, breakfast."

Seta shook her head internally.

Rooky error. 1-0 to Koji.

"Are you hungry?" he asked, saving her from her own embarrassment.

Hungry for something.

"Mmm, I don't know, maybe. Do you mind if I take a quick shower?" She needed to freshen up asap after the marathon thirty minute dance session and compose herself from that awkward little slip up.

Koji didn't bat an eyelid. "Let me get you a fresh towel."

"Do you have some clothes I could wear, too?" She was making herself feel at home and if he felt that it was too fast too soon he didn't show it.

"Just mine," he answered in his confident tone.

Correct answer, she whispered internally. If he'd offered her another girl's used clothes...

Oversized clothing wasn't going to be her hottest look but the thought of wearing a sweaty outfit straight after a clean shower was not an option. Seta placed the coffee cup on the wooden table and took another look around.

The lights above were a cool metal grey straight out of a trendy interior design magazine. There were no photos or pictures on the wall. A Muji-esque clinical vibe to the place. She liked it. Liked its sparseness. The order and tidiness, calming.

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