Start from the beginning

The thought of not having the marsh to go to intimidated Rogelio, so he quickly distracted himself by sitting up straight and sliding his legs off of his bed, standing up and stretching before throwing an old bath robe around himself. Kyle watched him with raised eyebrows and trembling fingers, just barely holding back his tears as the doubts he had pushed away swam to surface all at once, as if the dam holding them back had shattered and his brain was starting to flood. Rogelio looked over his shoulder at his boyfriend and smiled as though nothing was wrong, much to Kyle's dismay.

"I'm gonna make you some eggs and rashers, okay?"
Kyle nodded and forced a smile.

When their breakfast was made and had gotten to their bed on a small wooden tray, Kyle said his thank yous and picked up a slim rasher, picking away the blackened fat at the edges rather than eating it. Rogelio watched his fingers pick at the meat and sighed.

"Kyle, I love you. You know that, right?"
Rogelio grumbled. Kyle nodded and smiled slightly, still staring at the rasher in his hands.

"I love you too."
Rogelio cocked his head to get a better eyeshot of the blonde boy in front of him and continued to growl.

"This is something I want to do. I've got the training, and I've got the gear. I want to put it all to good use, you know? I need to fix all the mistakes we've made as Horde soldiers somehow."
Kyle nodded and finally took a bite of his rasher, swallowing the lump of salty meat at the exact time that a tear decided to slip from his eye, trickling down his cheek and along his jaw. Rogelio smiled and reached out to wipe the dampness away, a twinge plucking inside of his stomach when Kyle placed his hand over his, holding him as if he would never let go. Rogelio feared he really wouldn't, but seconds later he lowered his hand and picked up a small spoon, ready to eat one of the eggs on the tray.

"You're a really, really great person for doing this, Ro. I don't think there's many ex-soldiers who would go back to war for a second time to help with the other side of Etheria."
His voice wavered yet stayed firm. Rogelio nodded and began to eat also, watching and waiting for more words to follow. However, they never did.

"I'm going because we caused a lot of this. I want to help the rebellion and fight to get things in order, even if it goes against what we were taught growing up. The civil wars breaking out on the other side were just waiting to happen ever since we took over their land, so now's the time to help out."
Rogelio said, starting to eat his third rasher while Kyle fought to finish his second.

"I know, it's a great thing really. I'm just... I dunno. Even when things were bad I've always had you and Lonnie by my side, but now she's off travelling and you're going back to be a soldier again. It's like everything's... going backwards?"
Rogelio wrapped an arm around Kyle's shoulders and tilted his head so it rested on his blonde mess of hair, which was comforting him much more than he realised. Birdsong erupted outside and both of their minds went to the marsh again.

"Take care of the marshland for me, won't you? Maybe you can find some kind of mushrooms to try."
Rogelio growled. Kyle looked up at him and pecked a quick kiss onto his cheek before going back to eating.

"Of course I'll take care of it for you."
They both smiled.

Every minute seemed to last eternity, but looking back over time made it feel almost rushed, each hour they spent together slowly but suddenly slipping away from their grasp. Kyle knew it was over when night fell, and he knew that when he woke up the next morning, he would be in a bed by himself. They thought that was the best way to do it, the best way to ease the pain of it all. Not that the pain would cease.

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