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Before I start i just want to say thank you to all of thse who have help my other story, "The Crussader of Rebirth" to reach 5k reads. Once It reaches 10k reads and 100 votes I'll hold a Q&A.

Now then, onto the backstory!

Now then, onto the backstory!

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??? POV:

A world full of heroes, villains, demons and what not. there are so many superpowered beings that it's hard to keep track of them all.

You would think that this world is amazing. That this is like paradise. You will want to live here for the rest of your life. You will ask for a truck to isekai you here.

Well, let me tell you that this is no wonderland. This world is just as terrible as any other world. The resone for that is simple, there are humans. I, for one, can tell you.

Before I start, my name is Rangel Tempest, but I was Rangel Furukawa before that. The Furukawa family is a family of heroes that I was born into and was unfurtunate enough to have a weak quirk, which is how we call the superpowers in this world.

Rangel (6 years old) POV:

???: "...And don't get up! Can't believe you are my son! How can a child of mine be such a weakling!"

Who was that? That was my father. He never bothered to say his name next to me but he is the pro hero "Power House". His quirk is called "Power boost" and he can give himself a boost of power to a solid 500% more than his original. He used that quirk against me ever since I can remember, even before we knew my quirk. he used it so much that I acually don't feel as much pain as before. I am his perfect "garbage punchibg bag".

???: "Honey, stop beating the garbage for a moment. Dinners ready!"

That's my so called mother. Pro hero "EndBed". Her quirk is called "Dead Dream" and she can use it to put her opponents to a trance where they see a nightmare and are left paralyzed for up to three hours. That was also used on me a lot to the point my mental streangth was almost as strong as that of a mentalist.

???: "Mom! I am going outsoide! My friends are having a sleep over!"

And that is my older sister. She is 12 years old right now and she is the one to turture me the most. Her quirk is called "Drain Charge" and she goes by the name of Aika Furukawa. She can drain someones life/stamina/energy from them and add it to her own. She uses that on me everyday mornoing and evening and the worst part is that she can decide the pain that is given to the target. She is also considered to be  apotential hero in the future and is a top student.

Needless to say, I will be getting scraps for dinner again. They are giving me as much since they can't allow me to die, not because of them at least. They always pray that the house would be attacked by villains and for me to die. Until then, I will be used like that everyday. Always a punching bag fir them to use.

However, I myself didn't sit around hoping for a change. I was planning my escape for a while, and thanks to the fact I've grew sturdier, I can now walk after a beating they give me. They never bother to close any of the doors so that is all to my advantage. They won't even care if I were to leave.

And so, when the clock reached midnight, I had snuck away and never to return. I was sure I would be fine on my own. Oh how naive I was.

*timeskip 1 year*

Again. I am bleeding out again. Another thug attacked me, hoping to get my none existened momey. Needless to say, I wasn't fine. This was the 34th thug since I left that hell called home.

I was now bleeding badly on the floor, when a pair of legs came into my view. They belonged to a tall man, wearing a purple trenchcoat, with a dark purple long pants underneath and purple based boots. He had pirceing red eyes that looked intimidating and he was staring at me.

???: "How did this happen to you? And where are you're parents kid?"

I was starting to shiver thinking he'll bring me back to them. I was starting to even cry. He got worried and crouched down to me showing he's worried face and just barly could hear me say to him.

Rangel: "I don't want to be back there... Please... Anything else..."

And with that, I passed out. Needless to say, he didn't do what I thought he would. He didn't leave me there alone to die nor did he bring me to a hospital or those so called parents of mine. I later woke up on a matres in a Japanese style mansion.

From that day, me life changed for the better. I later found out that he's name was Hit and that he was the leader of a Yakuza gang. He also lived with a martial arts master named bang. They both tought me their styles and I learned the best I could. I also found over the years four more kids that we adopted into the family. I had more hardships and I lost most of my emotions but one thing stayed with me, my rage and hate twords my previus family.

I later decided to become a hero, and my family supported me and wanted to join as well. But, every hero must face a  hardship, and mine would be a terrefying one for me.

 But, every hero must face a  hardship, and mine would be a terrefying one for me

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Aaaaaaand, cut! That's a wrap everyone!

Next up is the first chapter.

If you guys have a charecter that you want me to try and add to this story don't be afraid to say the name of said charecter. I'll see what i can do.

Till next time.


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