Alpha Tamhas

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"I don't want to force you."

"Just do it!"

His blazing eyes burned away her hesitation. "Cliff, tell me what happened last night."

Words started tumbling out of his mouth as if a dam had broke. "It's the crazy Scottish alpha. He wants you and the dagger. He caught me and ordered me using coercion to bring him to you last night. I couldn't fight it. Thank God he broke my foot too."

"He broke your foot?"

"He stomped on it after I tried to attack him when the tranquilizer wore off. Lock the door."

"To late," a woman's voice said behind them. "Both ay ye, come with me."

The woman was a little shorter than her with a blond ponytail, all black clothes, and a gun, not a tranquilizer gun either. Aiyana felt like she should have been scared, but the ferocious anger of her wolf overrode her human feelings. "He has a broken foot and he's not going anywhere. What do you want?"

The woman's smirk evaporated and her face paled. She dropped to one knee and bowed her head. "Alpha Tamhas requests yer presence, yer greatness."

Aiyana crossed her arms and gave her the sternest look she could muster. "Where is he?"


"Get up and go before me."

"Wait, Aiyana."

She turned around and focused her stern glare on Cliff. "Stay and eat your breakfast."

He fell back against the bed. "Aiyana, that's not fair. I'm supposed to be your guard. Let me help you."

She marched out of the room behind the woman leaving Cliff with a fork already in his hand. She hadn't meant to use her coercion on him but it was probably for the best. 

The living room was crowded with wolves.  Most of them were from the university pack and had been on guard duty from the way they were dressed. They all looked furious. It was the three at the table that she'd never seen before. Two were dressed all in black like the woman and carried guns. The third, also in black with black hair laced with silver, was sitting at the table eating a full plate of food. The man was wide, but not from fat. His aura of power was wide too. Mimi was glaring at him from the kitchen. She didn't see Alpha Miguel anywhere, or Nate.

"Ah, thaur she is," the man at the table said. "As suin as yer guidman gits back wi' mah son an' th' lassie hans ower th' dagger, we'll be oan uir way."

Aiyana suspected he was speaking English, but she wasn't entirely sure.

"That's all you want, the dagger and your son?" Mimi asked.

"Weel, an' th' lassie. She'll make an deagh Jo fur mah son."

He sounded a little bit like Scottie on the old Star Trek shows, but like he was speaking through a sock.

"Deagh Jo?" she asked.

"Good mate," the blond woman still standing beside her translated.

Her wolf growled. She could smell his lie. "I already have a mate."

"Aiyana, are you okay?" Nate ran into the room and hugged her as if he were completely oblivious to the gun-toting wolves right in front of her. 

"Ah only found one other upstairs, Alpha. Sleepin' loch a bairn," the gun-wielding stranger who followed Nate in said as he moved to stand next to the blond woman.  

"Ah tak' it that's yer Jo."

Aiyana barely had time to glare before Alpha Tamhas said, "Shet heem."

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