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There was a famous tale that originated from Liyue, traveling beyond borders and spread wide across Teyvat. It had reached the winds of Mondstadt and the snowy peaks of Dragonspine - and perhaps even going even further. The tale's origins were long forgotten for it had existed for thousands and thousands of years - long since the Archon Wars even began. Not one mortal knew how the tale came to be. But even so, was not one person on Teyvat that was not aware of it, or has at least heard of it.

The tale spoke of a Liyue Adeptus, Vulpecula. The Vulpecula Adeptus was just as cunning and intelligent, kindhearted and strong, observant and resourceful as she was beautiful. She was beloved by everyone who was blessed enough to stumble upon her presence. Even Morax and his other Adepti were not excluded from it. They were lucky to have met her at the right place and at the right time. For thousands of years, she served Morax alongside the other adepti, working under the contract he had forged to ensure the safety of Liyue. And for thousands of years, she served Morax and Liyue well.

Then the Archon War struck the land. A battle of power.

And then Teyvat witnessed the horrors of war - the destruction, loss, and devastation that came as the aftermath of bloodshed. Many lives were lost and regrets remained within the remnants of the Gods. The remaining Seven were the victors, taking their place as Archons of the seven territories of Teyvat.

During the Archon War, it was unknown whether or not the adepti had fought alongside Morax, but it was said that Vulpecula was his comrade. And Morax was ruthless in his killings. He was, after all, the Warrior God.

Morax had slain the God of Dreams during the war, freeing Alatus from his previous master. The God of Contracts bestowed Alatus another name, Xiao. And the newly named Xiao swore his loyalty to Morax, joining the adepti as one of Rex Lapis' Guardian Yaksha.

And it was during the war that the Guardian Yaksha met Vulpecula. And he, too, had grown to care for her.

Not much was known regarding the happenings during the war, but Morax and the adepti emerged from it without Vulpecula. What was left of her was her trusted polearm, the once vibrant gem decorating it dulled and grey.


And for Morax and his adepti, it felt like they lost more even though they achieved victory. They had already lost Guizhong, the God of Dust, and then they lost Vulpecula.

How Vulpecula truly met her end was unknown. Several versions of the tale spoke that she perished in the heat of battle slain by one of the Gods. Others say she was still alive and simply disappeared, not wanting to be found. And few said that she was transported away into a land no one knew existed. Even so, the truth still remains unknown. Morax and his adepti were clueless, even until this time. However, many believed that she had lost her life for they had found the contract between Vulpecula and the Geo Archon had broken. The stone tablet they have written their contract upon shattered into pieces when Morax found it. And death was said to be the only thing that could break the contract.

Despite the tragic end Vulpecula was said to have received, some still say that she was never truly gone. Even when thousands of years passed, there have been reports that there were occurrences all around Liyue that indicated Vulpecula was still around. Miniscule clusters of amber and (color) would make themselves known in the most random locations. People had started to wonder if it was truly because of Vulpecula or if it was just coincidental occurrences for she never truly made herself known during that time. But as the number of sightings increased, people had begun to wonder.

Perhaps the Adeptus was never truly dead. Perhaps, Teyvat was simply waiting for the right time to return her to the world, biding their time until she was truly needed.

And perhaps Vulpecula, the Fox Adeptus, was truly waiting for the right time to make her appearance.


Somewhere in Liyue, a Guardian Yaksha stood before a majestic weapon, his eyes wide and in disbelief as he stared at the weapon- a polearm. He was looking at the gem that sat in the middle of the blade's wings, the gem gray and dull, looking as if he was not sure about what he had seen. An uncharacteristic gasp left his lips when he saw it again, his heart beating a bit faster than before. He saw a faint glimmer of color from the gem.

Amber and (color).

It had been thousands of years since the gem had shown color. And for the first time in thousands of years, the Guardian Yaksha felt a spark of hope within his heart. He was confused, yes, but his hope was overtaking the more logical side of him.

Maybe, just maybe, she was still alive.

And the most desperate part within him hoped that she was.

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