The class of kids just continue with their own agenda after Izuku introduces himself, their attention span was not like Izuku, I noted. I sometimes do forget that this is how his age was supposed to act like, sometimes... Not like Sho and I were bothered by it, but I just hope he enjoys his childhood as much as he can!

"Ahem... Okay! Hmm, about tell something them something about you?" The teacher proceeds to entertain us even though not a kid was paying attention.

Izuku obliges nevertheless, making me proud, "I-I wa-was born with a quirk...? like papa..." I smiled inside as he remembers that fact.

"Oh!" Well, that certainly got the kids' attention alright. I watch as most of the kids rush to Izuku immediately.

"It seems like we have our first student in the class who has a quirk!" The teacher announced, proudly.

"Weally?!?" One asked, "Wats it like?" 

"Umm..." Izuku began, though he was a bit uncomfortable with the situation he continues, tightening his hold on my hands even more if possible, "It's hard to control... But, really cool!" 

"Wats it cawled?!?" Another questioned. 

"It's called..." Izuku paused a moment trying to remember the word, he gave me a side glance and I mouthed the word. He tried, "Esh—" He shakes his head in disapproval, "Est—" I chuckled and decided to take the lead since he was having trouble pronouncing the word. 

"—Extract!" I stated, earning their attention, "You see, kids," I started, holding back my Hero persona, "It's a quirk where the user can borrow something from a person and return it after using it even if it's that person is very far away!" I explained, not really saying what that something is. It was dangerous, we talk about it with Nezu, Izuku's quirk is something to value whichever sides, honestly. So, we decided to only tell a few about its content, children not included of course. 

"Sugoi!" The kids awed as Izuku hid his face on my pants again. 


Izuku was slowly warming up to the kids, I was glad... 

"Oh?" A voice called out from behind me, "You're the father of the new kid, right?" She asked. 

"Ah, yeah I am!" I exclaimed with a smile.

"I'm Mitsuki Bakugou the mother of that brat over there!" She pointed at her son who was drawing aimlessly on the wall, 'That's allowed here...?' I thought, 'They sure aren't minding them much... and brat...?' 

"I'm Hizashi," I stated, only stating my first name since as much as I want to tell the world about my coffee-addicted husband, society wasn't that accepting of the LGTBQ+ community, even though I don't care about their opinions and all, it would cause too many problems, much to my chagrin.

It wasn't like it would cause suspicion or anything, Izuku's last name was already mine and she could automatically assume the fact.

"So, how old is your son?" She asked, "He's 3 years old and a half," I said, proudly.

"Oh!" Her eyes widen a bit, "He's already that good at speaking, huh?" 

"Mhmm," I hummed, "He's kind of advance for his age..." 

We then continued to chat about random kid stuff that we could think about as the kids played. 


Izuku Aizawa's POV

I was building blocks with a boy named Katsuki who I decided to call Kacchan! He also has a nickname for me which is Zuzu, now we're matching! He's my second friend and I can't wait to tell Dad and Papa all about it!

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