The feeling of that was enough to make me smile too. The energy, the adrenaline. It coursed through my whole body as my weight started dropping into the darkness below. My body was covered in light then, sparks flew, revealing my new outfit, hair style, and other add ons.

I quickly flipped and landed right on my feet. Normal me wouldn't like the bubbly feeling Mika created for Sapphire Leopard, but in this state, I did like it. Except when Mika became intense, like chasing that guy, that changed the colour of my outfit darker.

Up on the roof. I can sense a Chara up higher. I followed Mika's instructions and bounced off the brick walls on either side. Slowly creeping along a roof, I scanned the area around me. I watched as the rich azure blue of my skirt and crop top slowly become darker. My high knee boots did too.

My ears twitched at the sound of the tiniest creeping steps. "Right on time," I noted in my head. The sun was always down when he came.

My blonde hair was up in a poofy ponytail and my hair tickled along my spine. It swayed back and forth as I casually walked along the roof. I almost got distracted by a bird overhead but kept my steady pace.

To the left. Run.

I took off at top speed, just barely skimming each rooftop as I locked my eyes on a lean body. It was him. He was genuinely surprised but kept his cool face on. His eyes glinted with mischief and his smile was playful and dangerous. He zipped down to an alley and made a run for it. Good thing I knew my alley ways.

I followed him, but still on the roof. Sprinting was easy in this state. I could sprint for miles and miles and not get tired, only if Mika and I are in a good condition.

I smirked and quickly hopped down the the alley. My eyes locked on his as he turned from the tall brick wall. "You're new here, aren't ya?" I asked, crossing my arms with a smirk.

His posture straightened and my eyes flickered to his leg muscles twitching. "Not at all," he replied. His voice was low and husky, making my brain go off for a second. He jumped but I immediately pounced towards him, pinning him hard onto the wall.

"I wanna know why you're stalking me," I told him, holding him by his collar. 

"It's a cat thing," he replied smugly.

I squinted my eyes and took in his appearance. My mind suddenly flashed in my head. "You've been watching me while I play violin too!" I exclaimed, pressing him harder to the wall.

"It's cute when girls pretend to be tough," he chuckled as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Especially short girls. What are you, 13?"

"What!? No!" I scoffed and let go of his collar.

"Well just your shortness," his eyes flickered down, "but-"

My hand instinctively pulled his ear and he yowled in pain. "Pervert."

He smiled devilishly and relaxed. "You're just like her."

"Hm? Who?"

"No one, Sora."

I placed a hand on my hip. "You're really not making it seem like you aren't a stalker."

He smirked and started slowly pacing. "I'm Ikuto Tsukiyomi. Black Lynx right now. Been in Italy for a while." He paced his way over to me and leaned forward. "And I found a pretty good interest here."

I crossed my arms again and stuck out my tongue. "Too bad so sad, Ikuto. I'm not an interest or hobby. Go stalk someone who's worthy."

His smirk left his face and he raised his eyebrow. "You're worthy. You're really talented, and I actually wanted to meet you." The alley was beginning to get pitch black, but my vision was getting better.

"Ha. Right." Suddenly, my power was drained out of me and sparks appeared around me. "Mika, what the hell?"

"Remember what I said!? You say those things about yourself and I turn off Sapphire!" Mika told me with anger.

"I can't see. Mika-" Suddenly, I felt myself lose the ground under my feet. I think I was getting carried bridal style by Ikuto as we leaped onto the roof. Ikuto didn't let me down though.

"I've decided something. Can I discuss it with you? And promise not to freak out?" Ikuto asked as I bit the side of my cheek. 

"Fine," I replied as he smiled and took off. He ended up taking me to a different cafe a couple blocks away. He set me down and I went into the cafe without a word.

Ikuto, as his normal self, sat down in a leather seat. He wore a dark blue and black plaid shirt with black jeans and blue converse. How could he wear that? It was really hot today, considering I was only wearing shorts and a pastel purple V-neck.

When I sat down, he crossed his legs and pursed his lips. "I've been following you for more than a week actually."

"Oh." Mika rested on my shoulder awkwardly as a small Ikuto-like Chara floated from behind Ikuto.

Ikuto gave a deep laugh. "You've just really have caught my interest. You like traveling, I do too. And I figured by this time, you'd want someone to accompany you."

"So are you asking if I want to travel around with you? And how old are you?" I asked, a little bit dazed as I looked at each detail of him more and more. He was really attractive. Like really attractive. And his attitude was similar to mine, except for the talking part. To be honest, it did seem like I was actually getting along with him, instead of brushing him aside.

(A/N: By the way I altered his age a bit; so that he was 16 when Amu was 12. Just 'cause.)

"I'm 19 and I haven't gotten to the real question." He rested his head on his hand and looked me right in the eye. "It's been three years since I've been to Japan. I had an argument with my sister and a friend of ours. I had a crush on this girl, but our friend also did too. And we finally became friends again after a few years of hatred, so I promised when I came back I'd have-"

"Are you asking me to be your fake girlfriend?" I plainly asked, confused by the whole thing. "Me. Out of all those nice, caring, energetic girls. Me."

"Well, you're really the only one that they know would be my type. And it would only be for a while. I'll pay you back, literally anything." He sighed. "I know this is pretty pathetic and stupid, considering I just introduced myself today but I just need to show them I've done something with my life."

Coming from a guy who could probably kill you with a death glare (or his amazing looks), it was a hard decision. Why not do something weird in my boring life? Why not try to make the most of my life?

"You're strange." I crossed my legs and bit my cheek harder. "I'd normally say no, but you're kind of... I don't know. You seem like a person like me, if that makes sense. So sure, why not be a fake girlfriend for a while."

Ikuto flashed a grin and tilted his head to the side. "This should be fun."



It's like 12:30 am and I have a Social exam. So I didn't proof read it for any mistakes but you're welcome. And I have a storm full of ideas so I should be updating a bit more :P


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