The start of everything

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Both Jungkook and Y/N comes closer.

JK:-(whispers)  Chincha Yeoppeoda (You are really pretty) and Happy Birthday once again Y/N.

Jungkook gives her a peck on her cheek and whispers to her "Your gift". Y/N jungshooks after this and Jungkook gives her another smile before she leaves.

Time Skips:-

Back to hotel, Y/N keeps muttering to herself about what happened today and she couldn't believe that. After chatting to herself, she do her night routine and changes into her RJ pjs and goes to her dream land.

 After chatting to herself, she do her night routine and changes into her RJ pjs and goes to her dream land

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(Her PJ 👆🏻)


After coming back to the dorm, Jungkook still can't stop thinking about that one Army he met today.
Y/N's face kept popping up in his mind and he was just simling on her thoughts. But someone poked him. He was his Jimin Hyung.

Jimin:- Are you daydreaming?
JK:- Ani(No), just thinking.
V:-(in a teasing way) If I am not wrong then you thinking about that girl ?
Jimin:- (confused) What girl ??
V:- (acts like he is thinking) What was her name ?
JK:-(blushing) Y/N
Jin:-So some one has stolen are maknae's heart haan.

Jimin, V and Jungkook looks over to the kitchen where Jin was making coffee for him.

JK:- So, you are here too.
Jin:- (annoyed) Yaah,where would I be ? I live here too.(beating kookie)
JK:- Ok, I got it. Now stop beating me.
Jin:- What you like about her ?
JK:- She is simple and her smile is beautiful and her eyes are beautiful too. In short, she is very beautiful.
Everything about her is beautiful.
Jimin:-O-m-o, our jungkook is in love.(teasing)
JK:- (pouting) Hyungs, I want to meet her.
Jin/Jimin/V:- (all together) You will

After talking for a while, all the boys go for bed.

Time Skips:-

It's 7 in the morning and Y/N wokes up as she is a morning person and then she receives a face call from her parents.

Y/N:- Hello!! Mom!! Hello!! Dad!!
M/D:- Hello sweetheart.
Y/M:- How are you love? Are you enjoying yourselves? Are you eating properly? Are you comfortable?
Y/D:- Stop throwing questions on her. Cant you see she just woke up.
Y/N:- It's okay dad. She is just concerned.
Y/M:- Our daughter is so smart. She totally goes on me.
Y/D:- So you saying that I am dumb.

And this way , Y/N talks to her parents for quite long and shares about her first day in Korea but doesn't share about the kiss she got as an gift from Jungkook himself.
And after the call ends, she dresses herself into some comfortable clothes and departs for her first destination for today that was BTS tinytan Seoul pop-up store.

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