Cave Elite: Chapter 1

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Cave Of The Elite. Caveman Kiyotaka. Kushida Heroine.


"We go cave."

The leader of the group, Hirata, says as we leave the village. He seems to be in his late teens or early twenties, and is about average height for a man his age. The rest of us are all from different caves around this area, so I can't tell you much more than that. We're heading into the mountains now, but it doesn't look like there will be any other settlements along our way either; at least not any with people who could help us out if we got stuck here for too long.

"Go beach! We want go beach!" The boys of the group shout, and start running ahead of us. We follow them down some dirt paths, which soon lead into a small clearing. There are several trees growing up in the hillsides surrounding the village, though most of them have been cut down to make room for new houses. A few still remain standing however, and they provide shade to many of the villagers who live here.

Hirata stands next to me as we walk through these woods, looking at the various homes that line their walls.

"Many people!" Karuizawa says as she walks alongside us. "They got lots Houses, Lots Food..." She trails off for a moment as she notices an sabertooth cub sitting in the dirt. It's the first one I've seen that doesn't seem threatening, so I crouch down next to it for a moment before continuing on towards the village.

We arrive at what seems to be the center of town; a small stream of water runs through a hole in the ground. The boys who ran ahead are there now, dipping their body on the cool water.

"Kiyotaka! You come here."

Kushida calls me as she sits down on the bank, chewing on a flower. She wears clothing made from animal hides, and her hair has some berries and leaves stuck in it. I wade into the water and sit down next to her, and we bathe our bodies in its glorious waters.

"What do you want, Kushida?" I asked, letting out a sigh.

"Want Kiyo keep me company.," she says, smiling at me.

"Fine," I say, rolling my eyes at her as she grabs my hand in hers.

I hold her hand for a moment before she lets go of it, looking away from me and towards the stream. There's another quiet moment between us as she looks at the water.

"You..." she says quietly. "Like me?"

"Sure... If that's what you want to believe, then sure."

She's quiet for a moment as her cheeks redden. I watch the sun reflect off the water before us, and birds fly overhead. It's a pretty sight that we're enjoying together. Then, suddenly, she looks at me and smiles again.

"Marry me?" she asks.
"Marry me."
"... Fine."

And so, my married life begins with Kushida, the girl who always wanted me since we were kids. Is this how marriage is supposed to be, though? Paddling around a boring stream for a few hours a day, looking at the same trees and animals as when we were kids, with the added responsibility for building a home and survive. We have a few caves we can use for shelter, but they're not finished yet, and I'm not sure if I want to live in any of them.


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