Chapter 22

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"Guys get up and get dressed we gotta get to breakfast!" you says while trying to wake them up.
"who eats breakfast this early" Abby mumbles.
"Abby it's literally 9 o'clock" Kelly says.
"my point exactly" she says while rolling back over on the couch.
"get up or you won't get to see Dante" you point out.
"i was getting up anyways" she says while shooting off of the couch.
"of course you were" Kelly said while rolling her eyes and smiling.

The three of you get dressed and ready and head out.
"oh shoot i left my uh necklace inside, i'll catch up with you guys" Kelly says.
"we can wait" Abby says while stopping.
"uh no don't wait i'm pretty sure it's deep in my bag it'll be a while, i'll catch up though!"
"uh okay, do you know where you're going?" you ask.
"yeah yeah i'll figure it out."
"okaaay bye?"
Kelly runs back into the trailer and waits for you and Abby to walk away.
She sneaks out of the trailer and heads to Aidan's.
"please still be here" she says while knocking on his door.
"uh Kelly?" Aidan asks while answering the door.
"hi, i didn't wanna say anything at breakfast so i stopped by here first, but what happened last night, according to y/n's story you weren't even there."
"oh yeah. i got there and she was on the ferris wheel, i saw her and Cameron kiss, knowing i was too late i then left, she never saw me" Aidan says disappointed.
"oh no i'm sorry, i shouldn't have told you to go."
"nah it's fine, she's happy you know, since she's happy i'm happy." 
"do you wanna walk to breakfast with me?"
"yeah sure, i was about to head out anyways."

You see Aidan and Kelly walk in and yell over to them.
"Aidan, Kelly, over here!"
"hey, i couldn't find my necklace, good thing i didn't keep you waiting."
"i would've waited anyways, sit! Aidan you sit here and Kelly you sit here" you tell them.
Breakfast starts and Aidan was quiet almost the whole time.
"hey are you okay?" you ask.
"yeah i'm fine."
"are you sure? you seem a little off."
"no, i'm fine."
"oh uh, okay."

"hey does Aidan seem off to you?" you ask Kelly.
"uh you know, i can't really tell i mean, i don't know him as well as you do."
"yeah that's fair."
(just incase you're wondering, Cameron is sitting by Ethan and Dante, and Dante is next to Abby and Abby is next to Kelly, and Kelly is next to you, and you're next to Aidan. i hope that makes sense)

You continue to eat and Aidan continues to stay quiet.
"Aidan are you sure you're okay?"
"yeah just tired."

"hey Aidan what's up" Blake says while walking over to him.
"hey man how're you doin."
The two of them start cHaTtiN uP a StOrM and you found it a little weird how Aidan wouldn't talk to you but he'd talk to Blake just fine.
*maybe he just needed someone to wake him up and he's back to normal now*

After breakfast everyone heads over to hair and makeup to get ready to start filming.
You notice Aidan is doing just fine so you head over to him so you can talk to him.
"uh hey."
He all of a sudden didn't seem so happy.
"uh you excited to film?" you ask.
"i guess."
"we get to film a young scene today!"
"well i'll see ya" you say while walking away.

"something is definitely off with Aidan" you tell Abby.
"he seems fine to me" she says while looking over to him.
"that's the thing, he's acting normal but when he talks to me he's very distant and i have no idea why."
"huh, that is weird. did you do anything to upset him?"
"not that i know of, last time i saw him he said that he had a great time at the party, he didn't seem upset at all."
"hmm, i really have no idea, i'm sorry bebs."
"it's fine i guess."

"hey y/n" Dante says while walking over to you.
"hey Dante" you say unenthusiastically.
"i couldn't help but notice that Aidan seemed to be avoiding you, what's going on with you guys."
"i truly don't know" you say with a sigh. "he is barley saying anything to me and when i ask him whats wrong he says he's fine."
"i could ask him if you want me to."
"no i don't wanna put that upon you."
"nonsense, i wanna make sure you're not upset and this seems to be making you upset."
"thanks Dante, you're the best" you say giving him a hug.
"anytime" he says hugging you back.

"yo Aidan, buddy can we talk?" Dante asks.
"yeah what's up?"
"what's going on with you and y/n."
"oh uh nothing."
"well you've kind of been acting distant to her and it's making her upset."
"i have a reason Dante, i'm not just doing this to hurt her."
"don't you think she deserves to know what your reason is?"
"no you don't understand" he lets out a sigh "she can't know, it would just be a burden on her."
"she doesn't deserve to be ignored though."
"i don't know Dante, i just need time to think of some stuff" he says while walking away.

"i'm sorry y/n i couldn't get anything out of him."
"it's okay Dante, thanks for trying."
"yeah, i just wish you didn't have to go through this, it's dumb how he won't give you a good reason."
"well there isn't much i can do about it, all i can do is be nice and hope he comes around, it's a good think we're not filming a five and eight scene."
"i hope he comes around eventually."
"me too."

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